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Banking / Investment
GTBank records an increase in Profit Before Tax for the fiscal year
NIGERIA, 2017/09/09 Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) has recorded an 18 % increase in Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the fiscal half-year that ended on June 30, 2017. The bank, in a statement, said its PBT rose from N85.69 billion in 2016 to N101.1 billion in 2017. The financial performance presented to the Nigerian and London Stock Exchange showed the bank’s loan book dipped by six % from N1.590 trillion recorded as at December 2016 to N1.491 trillion in June 2017 with a decrease in customer deposit by one % to N1.966 trillion from N1.986 trillion in December 2016. -
Why governments need to support the financial sector to meet the unserved needs of smallholder farmers
BOTSWANA, 2017/09/09 This year, under the leadership of H.E. President Alassane Ouattara and the theme of “Accelerating Africa’s Path to Prosperity: Growing Inclusive Economies and Jobs through Agriculture”, the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) 2017 is shaping up as a premier platform to showcase ongoing evolution in Africa’s agricultural transformation schedule and to scale up the political, policy, and financial commitments needed to achieve the Malabo Declaration and the world development schedule around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Following the launch of the landmark annual Africa Agriculture Status Statement (ASSR) at the AGRF taking place in Cote d’Ivoire from 4-8 September 2017, the major conclusion centres around the power of entrepreneurs and the free market in driving Africa’s economic increase from food production. This is owing to the fact that a lot of businesses are waking up to opportunities of a rapidly growing food market in Africa that may be worth additional than $1 trillion each year by 2030 to substitute imports with high price food made in Africa. -
Russia’s Far East has huge investment potential
RUSSIA, 2017/09/07 There’s a lot of opportunity for investors in the Russian Far East, according to Ernst & Young (EY) CIS Managing Partner Joe Watt, who praised the work of the Russian government, saying a lot has been put in to develop the region. Talking to RT on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, he called the Far East ‘free hectare’ initiative “very interesting” as it warms up international interest toward the region. “I think it creates a buzz and gets a lot of people across the country to take an active interest in what’s happening here. From that perspective it’s very precious ..,” said Watt. -
Saudi billionaire to invest $800 million in Egypt tourism
EGYPT, 2017/09/02 Saudi Arabian billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal is to invest additional than $800 million in hotels in Egypt, the investment ministry in Cairo said on Monday. The announcement came next parliament in May adopted a new law aimed at attracting foreign investment as the authorities seek to reinvigorate the North African country's struggling economy. -
卡塔尔, 2017/08/28 为应对“断交”风波导致的沙特、阿联酋等国外资撤离情况,7月份,卡塔尔投资局向卡塔尔银行注资近70亿美元。 7月份,卡塔尔外资银行储蓄额从6月份的469亿美元降低为432亿美元,降幅与6月份持平,但卡塔尔银行总储蓄额由2117亿美元上升为2122亿美元,首要因由是卡政府注资额69亿美元。6月份,卡政府注资超过109亿美元。 路透社解析,沙特等国在卡塔尔尚有137亿美元资金,今后将会逐步撤出,但卡政府可以应对危机。一是卡塔尔投资局持有超过1800亿美元以上流动性资产。二是卡塔尔国家信用较高,卡银行机构可以通过向其他国家银行借款筹方式筹措资金。 -
中国, 2017/08/28 近期中国国务院副总理张高丽应邀赴沙特主持中沙高级别联合委员会第二次会议,双方就能源、金融和产能合作等领域的合作达成了广泛共识。沙特能源大臣哈立德.法利赫在参加中沙投资论坛时表示,高级别联委会是两国在对接“2030年愿景”和中国“一带一路”倡议的重要机制和平台,希翼两国的私营部门能够加强合作,巩固双边的经贸关系。 法利赫还表示,两国政府计划建立200亿美元的联合投资基金,以50:50的比例分担危及和利润。该投资基金首要为基础设施、能源、矿产等领域提供融资服务。为实现“2030年愿景”,沙特政府希翼中国能投资于制造业和旅游业等非石油部门,从而加快经济多元化的进程。 -
Letshego chief aims to lead race for African financial inclusion
BOTSWANA, 2017/08/23 In sub-Saharan Africa about 326 million adults do not use formal or semi-formal financial services. This unbanked group, according to consultancy McKinsey, offers innovative finance providers with a peerless increase opportunity. Indeed, momentum is building behind Africa’s financial inclusion schedule; mobile money operators are on the rise, commercial banks are launching microfinance units, and governments are pushing to formalise economic activity in their respective markets. -
ECB Rate-setters Raise Concern Over Euro Strength
EUROPEAN UNION, 2017/08/22 European Central Bank policymakers raised concern over the appreciation of the euro in July, pointing out the risk of the exchange rate overshooting someday, and stressed that the favorable financing conditions are still supported by the massive stimulus. "Concerns were expressed about a possible overshooting in the repricing by financial markets, notably the foreign exchange markets, someday," the bank said in the minutes, which it calls "the account", of the July 20 rate-setting session released on Thursday. -
波黑, 2017/08/21 现时波黑有200多万侨民,每年侨民向波黑汇回的资金达17.5亿欧元,占占该国GDP的14%。 -
非洲, 2017/08/21 现年60岁的非洲首富,资产达111亿美元的丹格特表示,自己自上世纪80年代以来一直是英超豪门阿森纳的球迷。他表示若其在拉各斯建设的价值110亿美元的炼油厂能如期完工,他将寻求收购该俱乐部,并称其成为老板后的第一个命令就是解雇现任功勋主教练温格。“我上任之后的第一件事就是更换主帅,尽管他现时的工作还不错,不过我想让其他教练也来试试。” 温格是欧洲在任时间最长的俱乐部经理。自从1996年上任以来,他获得了三个英超冠军和七个足总杯冠军。今年五月份,尽管上赛季阿森纳20年来首次无缘欧洲冠军杯,他仍在一片质疑声中达成了一项为期两年的续约。 阿森纳现时最大股东是美国富豪克伦克,控股比例高达67%,第二大股东则是占有30%股份的俄罗斯富豪乌斯马诺夫。今年早些时候,后者试图以价值20亿英镑(26亿美元)的价格收购前者的股份。而丹格特对于说服两人出售股份信心满满。 “如果有合适的报价,我相信他们会选择离开。只要有人给他们提供一份满意的报价,就足以让他们认真考虑此事。而当我们完成炼油厂时,我想我们将能够做到这一点。“ “这是一个伟大的团队,运行良好。它可以做得更好,所以我会出现在那里,我将等待机会来临。即使事情发生了变化,我也会接受现实。”
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