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Real Estate
德国, 2017/08/23 根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)本周五发布的数据,2016年德国经常账户顺差为2890亿美元,占GDP比例8.3%,中国顺差降至1964亿美元,占GDP比例1.7%,德国取代中国成为全球储蓄第一大国,同时美国仍是全球经常账户逆差第一大国,其次是英国和加拿大。 IMF谈到,现时数据指出全球经常账户逆差越来越集中在几个全球重要的经济体,虽然现时失衡程度不如2008年金融危机前严峻,但有催生更多保护主义做法的危及。 -
越南, 2017/08/23 国际房地产咨询公司普遍认为,越南政治稳定、经济快速发展,使其房地产业对外来投资具有相当吸引力。 据计划投资部外资局统计,截至7月底,越南房地产业已吸引外资516.7亿美元,位居加工制造业之后。投入房地产的外资,首要是通过并购、参股实现,以外商雄厚资本和管理经验综合本土房地产企业拥有一手土地资源的形式展开合作。据观察,来自日本、韩国、新加坡、中国的大量外资正等待投入越南房地产业。 -
阿曼, 2017/08/22 根据阿曼国家信息与统计中心发布的数据,2017年1-6月,阿曼3-5星级酒店入住客人总计758601人,较2016年同期增长7%;酒店总收入增长3.3%,达到9724万阿曼里亚尔(1里亚尔约合2.6美元);酒店房间入住率从2016年同期的56.8%增长至57.5%。 欧洲客人为最大客源,达332505人,大幅增长36.1%;阿曼本国客人居次,达190737人;第三为其他海湾国家客人,总计78250人;亚洲国家、非海湾地区的阿拉伯国家、美国、东南亚国家依次列4-7位。 -
Improved liquidity, currency volatility can give Sub-Saharan Africa real estate markets a Boost
KENYA, 2017/08/20 Real estate markets in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) are seeing record levels of international capital inflow while a lot of markets in Sub-Saharan Africa are lagging behind. The new JLL Capital Markets research has identified liquidity and foreign exchange volatility as two key reasons impacting real estate capital flows into Sub-Saharan Africa real estate markets. A two-speed cycle appears to have evolved in emerging economies with some racing ahead and others lagging behind. -
African real estate market still standing after tough 2016
CASABLANCA, 2017/08/20 African real estate has had a tough year navigating diffcult economic conditions. Most investors on the continent remain private equity groups as opposed to long term investors or Real Estate Investment Trust ( Reit) investors. There have as well been currency problems in the likes of Nigeria and Zimbabwe. But 2017 could be better if commodity prices rise globally. "The continent gained traction last year, notably in the Hotel, Retail and Residential sectors. One hopes that, in 2017, there will be fewer economic and structural difficulties for African real estate," said Ortneil Kutama, Africa Property News Media Director. -
Investors spooked by Property Regulations in Africa
CZECH, 2017/08/20 The African real estate market needs stronger regulations and a additional reliable policy of law in order to attract investment in the continent — Africa Property has learned. Various large Listed South African funds feel African real estate is a long term game hindered by weak laws. They need recourse if something goes wrong. -
Africa property offers rich pickings for the brave
BOTSWANA, 2017/08/20 Some property pundits believe there are major opportunities for investors or companies on the continent. While most pundits will acknowledge that the saying “Africa is not for sissies” rings authentic at the same time as it comes to property investment , some commentators believe that there are major opportunities for investors on the continent. -
肯尼亚, 2017/08/18 内罗毕前5个月批准的房建项目价值同比降低16%至1057亿肯先令(约合10亿美元),首要由于此前大选紧张气氛导致投资者采取观望态度。 根据肯尼亚银行业者协会(KBA)公告,二季度房价增速放缓,首要受经济不繁荣及私营部门借贷减少的影响。另一方面,房地产建设部门放缓导致水泥的生产和用量也都有所降低。 -
亚洲, 2017/08/11 杜特尔特政府将启动为期10年的建设计划以解决菲国内650万住房缺口,而该计划将需要2.72万亿比索的资金支持。住房和城市发展协调委员会主席德尔萨里欧表示,政府每年需要约420亿比索的资金来解决违法建设居民住房问题,还需要每年至少2295亿比索的家庭发展共同基金项下社会住房贷款。 这是本届政府想要开始解决的问题,使得下届政府可以继续此项工作。他还提到,计划10年完成的总投资4200亿比索的改良非法居住家庭计划将建设30万比索的住房单元,最终使得140万家庭受益。而剩余的510万户将需要10年工2.3万亿的投资,每年需资金约2295亿比索。 -
Demographics and reforms expected to benefit Oman’s real estate sector
OMAN, 2017/08/01 While real estate transaction figures continue to reflect a additional cautious macroeconomic environment, potential reforms could pave the way for Oman’s property market to regain some of its dynamism going forward. The price of property traded in the sultanate between January and June this year fell by 69.9% year-on-time(y-o-y) to OR1.4bn ($3.6bn), according statistics released by the government’s National Centre for Statistics and Data (NCSI). Over the same period the traded price of mortgage contracts fell by 80.7% to OR797.7m ($2.1bn), while the number of sales contracts eased by 23.9% to 30,635.
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