Topic > Energy
德国, 2017/08/30 位于拜罗伊特的电网运营商Tennet发布数据称,德国北海海上风电场今年上半年发电量达到7.77 太瓦时(Terawattstunden),同比增长50%,相当于去年全年发电总量的72%。加上波罗的海风电场0.7太瓦时的发电量,上半年德国离岸风电总发电量增至8.47 太瓦时。现时在北海共有953座风力发电设备,日发电能力4410兆瓦,约等于4个大型传统核电站。 -
US LNG exports make European market more competitive
ALBANIA, 2017/08/27 The European gas market is becoming additional and additional competitive and US exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are part of this landscape, Francis Perrin, energy expert, chairman of Energy Strategies and Policies (France) told Trend. “Energy is always a strategic business. Economic aspects are very significant of course, particularly the price of LNG, but nations as well take into account strategic issues. For some Central and Eastern European nations one of the key priorities of their energy policies is the diversification of their supplies, in particular gas imports, in order to reduce their dependence on Russia,” said the expert. -
Iran to upgrade Arak heavy water reactor by 2022
IRAN, 2017/08/26 Project on re-designing of Iran’s Arak heavy-water reactor will be completed by 2022. Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), told local media that the operations to re-design Arak heavy water reactor is proceeding in accordance with the schedule, adding that the project would finish before 2022. He added that the re-designing of Arak reactor – which was renamed to Khandab heavy water reactor – had by presently entered the second phase, Press TV reported on August 25. -
Gambia: Halifa Sallah Visits Treatment Plant in Copenhagen
GAMBIA, 2017/08/18 To have initial-hand data on the Management of liquid waste Halifa Sallah accompanied by a Marine Engineer of Gambian origin resident in Copenhagen, Mr. Momodou Camara and other members of the Gambia organisation in Denmark visited Biofos the major wastewater company in Denmark. Biofos treats wastewater of 1.2 million inhabitants in the Copenhagen metropolitan area, at three plants. Monday's visit was at Damhusåen which was very educative for both the Member of Parliament and the other members of visiting team. -
澳大利亚, 2017/08/14 尽管近期电价平均涨幅达17%,但澳洲Energy Australia、AGL和Origin三大能源零售商在过去几周相继终止了各自的固定电价计划。固定电价计划是指,不论用电量多寡,购买该计划的客户在每个结算周期内支付固定费用。 电力零售商称,取消固定电价计划的首要因由是客户需求低,并着手退出新的销售方案。例如,Origin公司于去年3月推出可评估计划(Predictable Plan),该方案确保电费费率在12个月内保持不变,不受用电量的影响。该公司发言人表示,新计划有助于保护客户免受电价上涨影响。 但一些社团组织认为,三大能源零售商的这一举动很可能进一步推高电价。如果零售商不能提供一年或两年期的固定电价合约,市场会出现波动。根据测算,自去年10月起,典型的澳洲五人家庭的平均年度电费从2188澳元涨至2569澳元,最便宜的市场合约年度电费账单从1821澳元涨到2059澳元。 澳大利亚总理特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)将于下周就电价问题与各能源公司召开会谈。但澳洲能源理事会主席沃伦(Michael Warren)认为,就零售电价与客户优惠事宜开展谈判,无助于解决昂贵的电费问题,改革的关键之举是尽快达成一个获得两党支持的全国性清洁能源目标以驱动新投资,进而降低电费。 -
几内亚, 2017/08/14 几内亚国家电力公司(Électricité de Guinée, EDG)8月11日发布通告,几内亚国家电力公司将启动大面积接通智能电表工程。 智能电表品牌是萨布表(Sabou),EDG已经在几内亚首都科纳克里全市范围内的电线杆上安装了约3万块萨布智能电表,下一步是接通到户。 萨布智能电表有2种付费方式: 充值卡预付费、到国家电力公司营业部柜台付费。 --免初装费; --接通时,给予10度电免费的优惠; --免保证金 --免接通电表费; --可远程充值 驻几内亚使馆经商处 2017年8月12日 -
Beijing’s plans for floating nuclear reactors get US$150 million boost
CHINA, 2017/08/12 Joint venture company is expected to develop new technologies to boost China’s maritime nuclear capabilities. China has announced plans to bolster its maritime nuclear capabilities with the creation of a major new joint venture project, which could as well provide the catalyst for the development of floating reactors in the South China Sea and beyond. National-owned China National Nuclear Power announced on Thursday it was establishing the new company – with registered capital of one billion yuan (US$150 million) – in cooperation with Zhejiang Zheneng Electric Power, Shanghai Guosheng Group, Jiangnan Shipyard and Shanghai Electric. -
Utilities privatisation in Saudi Arabia forges ahead
SAUDI ARABIA, 2017/07/31 Moves to privatise utilities assets in Saudi Arabia and expand the reach of its networks through increased investment should create new opportunities for private operators and service providers. Near-term asset sales The government is gearing up to sell a state-owned power generation firm and a water desalination company by the end of this year, according to Mohammed Al Tuwaijri, the vice-minister for economy and planning, who said each would be a multi-billion-dollar deal. -
Egypt increases electricity cost by 42%
EGYPT, 2017/07/29 Egypt increased electricity prices by up to 42 % on Thursday, a week next hiking fuel prices as part of tough economic reforms. The new rises depending on consumption levels will take result as of this month, Minister of Electricity, Mohammed Chaker said, according to national television. “The ministry has a plan to phase out electricity subsidy by 2021,” he added. The new hikes cut the electricity subsidy in the country’s new fiscal year starting in July by 32 billion Egyptian pounds (around 1.7 billion dollars), private newspaper al-Masry al-Youm reported. -
孟加拉, 2017/07/26 孟加拉输电公司将建孟印第二条跨境400千伏高压输电线,用于从印度每日进口500兆瓦(MW)的电力,该公司已将项目议案提交至孟计划委员会,计划筹资18.8亿塔卡用于该线路建设。
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