Topic > Petroleum / Mining
Petroleum / Mining
委内瑞拉, 2017/08/30 位于东部十字港的委石油公司深度转化炼油厂将于2019年建成一座设计容量达121万桶的新油库,此油库由数十个液化气、柴油、液态硫、石脑油等储罐组成。 -
美洲, 2017/08/28 今年上半年,拉美粗钢产量3160万吨,增长11%,其中巴西产量1670万吨,增长12%,是拉美第一大粗钢生产国。同期,拉美钢结构产量2620万吨,增长4%,巴西和墨西哥产量分别为1090万吨和940万吨。 -
Egypt announces new sharp increase in fuel prices
EGYPT, 2017/08/28 Egypt announced a new sharp increase in fuel prices on Thursday, as it slashes government subsidies in a tough IMF-backed reform programme. The cabinet said that 82 octane petrol would sell for 3.65 pounds a litre (0.80 pounds a gallon) up from 2.35 (0.52), with the same increase for diesel, while 92 octane petrol rose from 3.5 (0.77) to 5.0 (1.1) pounds. Egyptian government slashes fuel subsidies in IMF-backed reform as country’s inflation hovers around 30 percent. -
Qatar plans to boost gas production by 30%
QATAR, 2017/08/28 Energy-rich Qatar said Tuesday it plans to increase natural gas production by 30 % over the next several years, as it faces pressure from its neighbours in a diplomatic crisis. Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the chief of Qatar Petroleum, told a press conference that the emirate intends to raise production to 100 million tonnes of natural gas a year by 2024. -
LUKOIL launches main facilities at Uzbek gas field
RUSSIA, 2017/08/27 Russia’s LUKOIL company has launched the major production and process facilities at its South-West Gissar project in Uzbekistan, said the message posted on the company’s website. These include a gas treatment plant with the annual rated capacity of 4.4 billion cubic meters, a gas pretreatment unit and four gas-gathering stations. -
Turkmenistan should cultivate diverse gas markets
CHINA, 2017/08/26 Turkmenistan-China gas relationship may be viewed as one country's over-dependence on an extra, Sean Roberts, an expert on Central Asia and Associate Professor of the Practice of International Affairs, told Trend commenting on the construction of Tajik section of the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan-China gas pipeline launched last month. “One one hand, it is easy to understand why Central Asia states are increasingly attracted to trade deals and investment from China. For Turkmenistan and other Central Asian states, China offers economic relationships that are not overtly tied to political issues,” he said. -
阿富汗, 2017/08/25 鉴于政府已批准两年内新建设总计2555MW的柴油和重油电站,可以预计孟石油进口将增加三分之一以满足电站需要。由于天然气短缺,孟自2010年起发展燃油电站,迄今已有50个燃油电站运行。如今,孟每年进口柴油350万吨,重油150万吨,以及原油和成品油590万吨。 -
坦桑尼亚, 2017/08/25 根据坦政府今年2月发布的矿业法修正案,坦境内的矿业公司应于6个月内在达市证交所上市,公开发行不少于30%的股份,这一要求的截止日期为8月23日。 马古富力总统曾于5月表示,要求坦境内矿业公司在达市证交所上市的意图,是为了增加其透明度,使政府能够掌握其经营情况及真正的营业收入。现时上市期限已经届满,据了解,坦境内部分矿业公司已经提交申请材料以供审核,但现时尚无一家按期上市发行股票,错过发行期限可能使矿业公司面临被暂停或吊销矿业许可的处罚。 -
坦桑尼亚, 2017/08/23 坦石油开发公司于8月21日表示,公司正在制定工业及民用天然气供应总体规划,并已做好天然气输送相关准备工作,希望有需求的企业和个人用户尽快提出申请。 该公司负责人表示,公司目前已经向37家工业企业输送天然气,未来两年将再增加42家。公司正在制定沿海省份的天然气输送和供应整体规划,以满足该地区的工业及居民用气需求。公司负责人还表示,明年年底K2天然气发电站完工后,该公司有足够的能力同时供应工业、居民及发电所需的天然气。 -
美国, 2017/08/22 当天Clean Ocean号液化天然气船驶入立陶宛克莱佩达港,这是美国首次向波罗的海国家输送液化天然气(LNG)。 立陶宛能源部长维奇乌纳斯表示,这是第一批但不会是最后一批,随着市场发展,估计出货量将增长。立陶宛外长林纳维克斯表示,美国向立陶宛出口液化天然气加强了两国间伙伴关系。 美国驻立陶宛使馆副馆长所罗门讲解,立陶宛天然气公司(LDT)与美国钱尼尔能源公司(Cheniere Energy)的天然气供应协议是以商业为基础,美国政府没有参与具体交易。 报道称,2016年6月立陶宛天然气公司向钱尼尔能源公司订购14万立方米液化天然气。此外,立陶宛还从挪威国家石油公司(Statoil)和美国科氏供应贸易公司购买液化天然气。
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