Africa > Central Africa > Congo Brazzaville > Congo Brazzaville People Profile

Congo Brazzaville: Congo Brazzaville People Profile


Republic of the Congo Population

The total people in Republic of the Congo was last recorded at 4.3 million people in 2012 from 1.0 million in 1960, changing 330 % during the last 50 years. People in Republic of the Congo is reported by the World Bank. Republic of the Congo People averaged 2.31 million from 1960 until 2012, reaching an all time high of 4.34 million in December of 2012 and a record low of 1.01 million in December of 1960.

The people of Republic of the Congo represents 0.06 % of the world´s total people which arguably means that one person in each 1684 people on the planet is a resident of Republic of the Congo. This page contains - Republic of the Congo People - actual values, historical data, estimate, chart, statistics, economic schedule and news.

Labour Last   Previous Highest Lowest Forecast   Unit Trend
People 4.34 2012-12-31 4.23 4.34 1.01 4.35 2013-12-31 million \\\"Trend\\\"border=\\\"0\\\"
Unemployment Rate 26.60 2010-12-31   26.60 26.60 26.60 2011-12-31 percent \\\"Trend\\\"border=\\\"0\\\"


Population estimates are usually produced by a country´s statistical office or Census Bureau. The People Census provides the majority reliable picture of a country\\\'s people because the data is collected at a specified time from all people; in contrast to other surveys, in which data is collected from only a small part of the residents. At the same time as monthly people estimates are required, the people count is updated by adding births, subtracting deaths, and adding net international migration since the census date.