主题 > 水域
For Africa to end chronic hunger, governments must invest in sustainable water supplies, writes Esther Ngumbi.
AFRICA, 2017/04/30 The fields are bare under the scorching sun and temperatures rise with each passing week. Any crops the extreme temperatures haven’t destroyed, the insect pests have, and for a lot of farmers, there is nothing they can do. Presently, news about hunger across Africa makes mass media headlines daily. Globally, hunger levels are at their highest. In fact, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, over 70 million people across 45 nations will require food emergency assistance in 2017, with Africa being home to three of the four nations deemed to face a critical risk of famine: Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan and Yemen. African governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and humanitarian relief agencies, inclunding the United Nations World Food Programme, continue to launch short-term solutions such as food relief supplies to avert the situation. Kenya, for example, is handing cash transfers and food relief to its affected citizens. The UN World Food Programme is as well distributing food to drought-stricken Somalia. And in Zambia, the government is employing each tool inclunding its military to combat insect pest infestation. But why are we here? What happened? Why is there such a large drought? -
Water and power: Mega-dams, mega-damage?
WORLD, 2017/04/30 -
Rwanda: Japanese Grant to Boost Access to Clean Water in Rural Areas
JAPAN, 2017/03/12 Japanese government has given a grant amounting to $147, 075 (approx. Rwf121 million) to two local organisations that will supply water in the districts of Muhanga and Bugesera. The two projects will increase access to clean water in areas where residents had for long experienced water shortages. The recipients are Movement for the Fight against Hunger in the World (MFLM) and Rwanda Environment Conservation Organisation (RECOR). A portion of the grant, $72,925, will be used by MFLM to construct 20 water points, a filtration system, water tank, equilibrium chamber and 11-km-long water pipes in Shyogwe sector in Muhanga district. -
Great Inga Dam project A solution to Africa’s power deficit
CONGO BRAZZAVILLE, 2017/03/04 The ambitious Great Inga Dam project on the Congo River, has the potential to generate 42,000 MW, enough electricity to power DRC and much of the continent. The initial phase, Inga III, will produce 4800 MW, half of which will be exported to South Africa, the country’s major partner in this project Energy has driven a social and industrial revolution throughout the DRC over recent years and further developments are presently being planned to cement the country’s economic next. The African country’s energy sector had been struggling with ageing infrastructure and power plants that had endured a lack of maintenance and investment , but in 2014 all industry was liberalised to entice development. Regulatory frameworks were revised and a series of significant projects were launched, offering a variety of opportunities to international and domestic parties alike. -
Mozambique: Severe Water Restrictions for Maputo
MAPUTO CITY, 2017/01/13 The Maputo Regional Water Company (AdeM) has announced drastic restrictions in the water supply to the Better Maputo Metropolitan Sector(Maputo and Matola cities, and Boane district) as from Tuesday. There is simply not enough water in the Umbeluzi river and the reservoir at the Pequenos Libombos dam to continue normal supplies to Maputo. AdeM has therefore announced that water will only be pumped to Maputo, Matola and Boane on alternate days. “Top priority” will be given to water for human consumption, said the AdeM statement. The company promised to indicate specific points where building companies can send tanker trucks to pick up water for construction purposes. -
Nigeria: UN expert calls for budget plans to tackle “unacceptable” water crisis in Lagos
NIGERIA, 2016/12/23 -
Low-cost housing, maximizing water surface
DENMARK, 2016/10/29 It is notoriously difficult for students to find affordable housing. A Danish developer has come up with a solution that can be docked right in the centre of Copenhagen Harbour. Made up of nine disused shipping containers, Urban Rigger is a prototype, a incomparable, carbon-neutral, floating mobile home. Spread over around 300 square metres, it includes twelve individual dorm rooms – with bathroom and kitchen – a courtyard, BBQ area and roof terrace. -
South Africa: Finance minister in hot waters, rand tumbles
SOUTH AFRICA, 2016/08/27 -
刚果金, 2016/07/19 据刚通社报道,刚果(金)东开赛省供水管网由于年久失修,现时已破旧不堪,难以满足当地人口的用水需求。 为此,非洲发展银行、世界银行和德国复兴信贷银行决定出资6,000万美元,实施该省姆布吉马伊市等五个地区的供水管网改造工程,以解决当地多年来面临的饮用水供应不足问题。 -
加纳, 2016/07/14 加纳自来水公司正致力于改良城市供水能力,建设、扩建并修复了库马武、科农戈和夸胡岭三个首要供水项目。三个项目耗资2.36亿美元,由以色列工人银行(Bank Hapoalim)提供融资,以色列公司承建。 三个供水项目完成后估计将能够满足十年内加纳各社区的用水需求。
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