主题 > 石油 / 矿业
石油 / 矿业
Mining investment and profits reach new heights in Saudi Arabia
SAUDI ARABIA, 2017/06/30 Increased investment in Saudi Arabia’s mining sector looks set to lift its GDP contribution significantly in the coming years, as part of an accelerating push to diversify the economy under the Vision 2030 development plan. On April 24 the governor of Makkah, Prince Khalid Al Faisal Al Saud, formally opened a new gold mine and processing plant – the Ad Duwayhi mine, owned and operated by the Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma’aden) – with a production capacity of 180,000 oz per year, making it the country’s major to date. -
法国, 2017/06/16 保加利亚能源部长称,法国道达尔石油将在今年秋天在保加利亚黑海还将开设第二个海上钻井平台。 保加利亚能源部将延长道达尔石油、OMV和Repsol公司在黑海还将135天的油气勘探合同。同时,法国道达尔石油将继续解析黑海Han Asparuh区块的地质信息。 -
几内亚, 2017/06/15 法国AMR矿业公司(Alliance Minière Responsable)6月初获得几内亚政府颁发的铝土矿采矿权证,采矿权证有效期为15年,可多次延期,每次延期5年。法国AMR矿业公司获得的铝土矿区位于几内亚北部博凯大区(REGION DE BOKE)博凯省(PREFECTURE DE BOKE),矿区面积148平方公里,已探明储量约4.3亿吨,平均二氧化硅含量为2.7%。法国AMR矿业公司计划投资额2亿美元,分二期建设,第一期2019年初完工,实现年出产500万吨铝土矿。第二期完工后,将年产量改良到1000万吨。 该矿区距离大西洋出海口40公里,距离赢联盟2号内河码头Dapilo码头约25公里。 “几内亚赢联盟”(SMB WINNING CONSORTIUM ) 是由中国山东魏桥创业集团旗下的中国宏桥集团、中国烟台港集团、几内亚UMS(United Mining Supply)(法国在几内亚投资企业)、新加坡韦立国际集团(WINNING INTERNATIONAL GROUP)等4 家企业组成的联合体。 该联合体自2014年进入到几内亚矿业开发市场,2015年7月开始出口铝土矿。2016年出口铝土矿约1200万吨,2017年计划出口铝土矿3000万吨。 几内亚国家矿业公司(SOGUIPAMI)总经理 Ahmed Kanté先生在合作协议签字后向媒体表示,几内亚政府有一个雄心勃勃的计划,即到2020年,几内亚一跃成为全球最大铝土矿出口国。 -
几内亚, 2017/06/15 法国AMR矿业公司(Alliance Minière Responsable)6月初获得几内亚政府颁发的铝土矿采矿权证,采矿权证有效期为15年,可多次延期,每次延期5年。法国AMR矿业公司获得的铝土矿区位于几内亚北部博凯大区(REGION DE BOKE)博凯省(PREFECTURE DE BOKE),矿区面积148平方公里,已探明储量约4.3亿吨,平均二氧化硅含量为2.7%。法国AMR矿业公司计划投资额2亿美元,分二期建设,第一期2019年初完工,实现年出产500万吨铝土矿。第二期完工后,将年产量改良到1000万吨。 该矿区距离大西洋出海口40公里,距离赢联盟2号内河码头Dapilo码头约25公里。 “几内亚赢联盟”(SMB WINNING CONSORTIUM ) 是由中国山东魏桥创业集团旗下的中国宏桥集团、中国烟台港集团、几内亚UMS(United Mining Supply)(法国在几内亚投资企业)、新加坡韦立国际集团(WINNING INTERNATIONAL GROUP)等4 家企业组成的联合体。 该联合体自2014年进入到几内亚矿业开发市场,2015年7月开始出口铝土矿。2016年出口铝土矿约1200万吨,2017年计划出口铝土矿3000万吨。 几内亚国家矿业公司(SOGUIPAMI)总经理 Ahmed Kanté先生在合作协议签字后向媒体表示,几内亚政府有一个雄心勃勃的计划,即到2020年,几内亚一跃成为全球最大铝土矿出口国。 -
亚洲, 2017/06/15 孟加拉计划修建两座陆上液化天然气(LNG)终端,日本丰田天然气工程咨询公司将负责可行性研究,费用5.8亿塔卡。每个终端供气能力为10亿立方英尺/天,为之前批复的浮式LNG终端供气能力的2倍。 为缓解国内用气压力,孟计划大量进口天然气。孟政府已和美国Excelerate能源公司签署合同,将在莫哈什卡利(Moheshkhali)建设孟第一座LNG终端,并授权Summit集团建设第一座浮式LNG终端。同时,各国公司还竞相向孟政府提出LNG终端项目建议,例如中国寰球工程公司建议在莫哈什卡利建LNG厂,韩国天然气公司建议在索纳迪亚建陆上LNG终端,新加坡胜科公司(Sembcorp)建议在深海建浮式LNG终端和储气罐。 -
Oil slips as data points to fast-growing supply
WORLD, 2017/06/15 Oil fell on Wednesday next reports showed world supply was rising and US crude inventories were still increasing, raising concerns the market could remain oversupplied for longer than expected. Brent crude oil fell by 28 cents to $48.44 a barrel by 1330 GMT, while US crude futures were down 29 cents on the day at $46.17. Crude prices have fallen additional than 10 % since late May, pulled down by heavy world oversupply that has persisted despite a move led by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Nations to curb production. -
几内亚, 2017/06/09 -
OPEC, non-OPEC agree first global oil pact since 2001
AUSTRIA, 2017/06/02 OPEC and non-OPEC producers on Saturday reached their initial transaction since 2001 to curtail oil output jointly and relieve a world glut next additional than two years of low prices that overstretched a lot of budgets and spurred unrest in some nations. With the transaction finally signed next almost a year of arguing within the OPEC and mistrust in the willingness of non-OPEC Russia to play ball, the market’s focus will presently switch to compliance with the agreement. OPEC has a long history of cheating on output quotas. The fact that Nigeria and Libya were exempt from the transaction due to production-denting civil strife will further pressure OPEC leader Saudi Arabia to shoulder the bulk of supply reductions. -
Refinery company looks to expand gas station network
JORDAN, 2017/06/02 The Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company (JPRC) plans to expand its network of gas stations across the Kingdom, a senior executive told The Jordan Times Sunday. The expansion in gas stations is carried out through the Jordan Petroleum Products Marketing Company (Jo Petrol), a subsidiary of JPRC and its marketing arm. -
约旦, 2017/06/02 据《约旦时报》报道,约旦政府5月31日决定,降低90号汽油、煤油和柴油的价格,同时维持6月份95号汽油和家用煤气罐的价格不变。
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