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农业企业 / 粮食
Starvation looms as food runs out in drought-hit Ethiopia
ETHIOPIA, 2017/07/01 The Somali people of Ethiopia’s southeast have a name for the drought that has killed livestock, dried up wells and forced hundreds of thousands into camps: sima, which means “equalised”. It’s an appropriate name, they say, because this drought has left no person untouched, spared no corner of their arid region. And it has forced 7.8 million people across the whole of Ethiopia to rely on emergency food handouts to remain alive. But by next month, that food will have run out, aid agencies say. -
泰木薯价跌 商业部协调工厂收购
泰国, 2017/06/29 泰国商业部长阿披拉迪透露,呵叻府木薯种植农团体向总理递交请愿函,请求解决当地木薯价格下跌问题。为此,商业部出面联系淀粉加工工厂、酒精加工厂,希翼获得配合,以公道的价格从木薯种植农收购木薯,帮助广大种植农解决燃眉之急,让种植农可继续从土地采收木薯。 阿披拉迪表示,现时是2016-2017木薯产季末,多数木薯已经上市销售完毕,只有部分种植面积未采收,商业部出面协调,相关加工厂帮忙向农民收购木薯,有利于维持市场价格的平稳。 对于2017-2018产季的扶持举措,商业部要先与相关部门进行磋商,争取为木薯种植农提供连续的支持。不过,相关种植的规定、酒精生产和销售等政策要互相配合,争取更多木薯可进入酒精加工行业,作为原料使用。 -
Tunisia harvests growth in agriculture sector
TUNISIA, 2017/06/24 The agriculture sector in Tunisia defied the odds last season as lower trade volumes yielded larger profits, driven by higher prices for some of its core products on international markets. Revenues from fruit and vegetable exports rose by 13% during the 2016/17 harvest season, even as export volumes fell by 25%, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. While security issues in Libya, one of the major buyers of Tunisia’s food exports, pushed down agricultural trade volumes in the 2016/17 season – which runs from October to May – these were additional than offset by higher sale prices, the opening of other markets, and considerable increase in exports of onions and fennel. -
墨西哥, 2017/06/16 14日,墨西哥哈里斯科州种植的蓝莓首次出口中国,这些蓝莓共计420箱,每箱1.5公斤。墨西哥是全球第二大浆果生产国,首要生产的浆果包含覆盆子、黑莓和蓝莓。墨农业部认为此次哈里斯科州蓝莓出口中国,意味着打开了新兴市场的大门。 -
约旦, 2017/06/09 据《约旦时报》报道,约旦农业部官员称,因沙特阿拉伯关闭了与卡塔尔的陆路边境,6月7日,33辆去往卡塔尔的运输卡车被迫返回约旦。 农业部发言人哈达丁称,这些卡车正在携带超过600吨的水果和蔬菜,价值数十万约第。约旦天天约有共有400-600吨水果和蔬菜还有700-800头羊出口到卡塔尔。 -
布隆迪, 2017/06/09 加蓬《团结报》报道,“非洲农业综合发展计划”(CAADP)第十三次会议于2017年5月31日至6月2日在乌干达坎帕拉召开。此次会议发布了第一版非洲营养地图,认为非洲每年进口食品金额达500亿美元,非洲仍存在不少遭受饥饿、营养不良和食品安全威胁的地区,大量非洲民众正在遭受饥饿。 -
Niger: Loans for Storing Crops Help Niger's Farmers Absorb Climate Shocks
NIGER, 2017/06/07 Lack of storage forces farmers to sell their harvest at low prices - but changing that can help them get ahead Surveying his village's stocks of rice, sesame, millet and other food in a storehouse piled high with bags, Amadou Hassane is satisfied - but still a little anxious about the oversupply of baobab leaves. With the rainy season set to start any minute at this time in Niger, Hassane and his fellow farmers need buyers for their leaves before the rains come, driving the prices down as fresh leaves sprout and supply surges across the western region of Tillabery. -
How to Produce More Food With Less Damage to Soil, Water, Forests
WORLD, 2017/06/07 Massive agriculture intensification is contributing to increased deforestation, water scarcity, soil depletion and the level of greenhouse gas emission, the United Nations warns. To achieve sustainable development we must transform current agriculture and food systems, inclunding by supporting smallholders and family farmers, reducing pesticide and chemical use, and improving land conservation practices, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) director-general on May 30 said in Brussels addressing European lawmakers. -
突尼斯相关部门采取措施控制斋月期间农产品价格, 并保证食品安全
突尼斯, 2017/06/02 突尼斯5月27日起进入斋月。突农业、水利和渔业部公布将优秀椰枣价格定为7第纳尔每公斤,500g装罐装椰枣制品价格定价为2第纳尔每罐。市场调查指出,斋月开始的前两天,其他农产品价格呈现上涨趋势,其中辣椒和番茄酱的价格上涨尤为清楚。 -
Morocco-EU Fisheries Agreement Respects International Law: Spanish Fishing Confederation
CASABLANCA, 2017/05/28 The fisheries agreement between Morocco and the European Union (EU) “scrupulously respects international law,” said secretary general of the Spanish Fishing Confederation (CEPESCA), Javier Garat. The agreement, which includes specific provisions benefiting the local population, is legal and in full compliance with international law, he said during a TV program broadcast Saturday by Spain’s second state-owned television channel “La 2″.
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