主题 > 股市/金融
Prepare for the long haul in India’s GST roll-out
INDIA, 2017/07/01 India faces an uphill battle before it will have an efficiently operating Goods and Services Tax (GST). Besides confusion over the applicable rate for certain products part retailers, service sector companies as well face the daunting prospect of having to transaction with not just the Union but as well 29 other national tax administrations, each with its own norms and distinct attitude towards rent seeking. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reportedly spent hours reviewing the country’s preparedness for the 1 July roll-out of the new uniform tax. But some confusion is bound to remain and will be have to be dealt with as it arises. -
新加坡, 2017/06/29 美国隔夜股市纷纷滑落,纳斯达克指数跌1.61%,标普500指数跌0.81%,道琼斯指数跌0.46%。 今天值得重视的股票如下: *凯德集团(CapitaLand)今早公布,其独资公司凯德商用产业(CapitaLand Mall Asia)在中国跟三个新的合作伙伴取得管理合约,加速扩大购物商场网络。不包含停车场在内,这些交易为集团的零售空间增添11万5000平方米的总楼面面积,也加强其在成都、佛山和上海的业务。 *德蒙特(Del Monte Pacific)今早公布跟Fresh Del Monte Produce今早公布组成一连贯的合资公司,扩大零售和冰柜冷冻杂货的业务。合资公司最初将专注于美国市场,并可能在以后扩大到其他地区。这些合资公司是在德蒙特分别跟子公司Del Monte Foods,还有Fresh Del Monte Produce解决了所有诉讼后才促成的。缠讼的焦点涉及全球不同地区的许可权和产品分销。 **Talkmed集团今早暂停交易。 *来宝集团(Noble Group)昨天下跌4.7%至50.5分,扭转了上周大涨63%的趋势。该股盘中最低跌至49分,成交量2276万股。信用评级机构惠誉(Fitch)上周五晚把来宝的评级调低至“CCC”,这意味着来宝“信用危及明显”还有“违约可能性非常真实”,这是该机构自上月中以来第三次给来宝降级。惠誉谈到,来宝的20亿美元贷款期限延长120天,不足以证明它的中期融资稳定。 *城市发展酒店服务信托(CDL Hospitality Trust)闭市后公布,以1亿欧元(1亿5380万新元)收购慕尼黑的Pullman酒店还有其办公楼和零售单位,这是该信托在欧洲大陆的第一项投资。信托同时也公布发行附加股,筹集2亿5540万元资金,以降低信托的负债率,增加可负债的空间。它将偿还部分利率较高的债务,从而降低债务平均成本,改良利息覆盖率(interest coverage ratio)。信托昨天涨0.5分或0.3%至1.68元。 *胜捷企业已向香港证交所提交申请,在香港第二上市。 -
Microfinance lenders gaining ground in Côte d’Ivoire
ABIDJAN, 2017/06/24 A rise in microfinance lending in Côte d’Ivoire has been accompanied by a steady process of consolidation – driven in part by government clean-up efforts. -
china Mainland sees 4.3% fall in FDI in April
CHINA, 2017/06/20 FOREIGN direct investment in the Chinese mainland retreated mildly from a year ago in April, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed yesterday. The FDI fell 4.3 % from a year before to 59.91 billion yuan (US$8.7 billion) in April, in contrast to a 6.7 % increase in March, said a statement posted on the ministry’s website. Last month saw 3,343 new foreign-funded enterprises set up on the mainland, up 42.7 % year on year. -
Eurozone posts lower inflation of 1.4% in May
EUROPEAN UNION, 2017/06/20 EUROZONE inflation slowed to a lower than expected 1.4 % in May, as volatile energy prices sapped the intended effects of the European Central Bank’s massive stimulus plan, EU data showed yesterday. Eurozone unemployment in April kept an encouraging trend, inching lower to 9.3 %, at its lowest rate since March 2009, Eurostat said. The fall in inflation will provide backing to ECB chief Mario Draghi, who on Monday said the central bank remained “firmly convinced” it must maintain its massive interventions in the eurozone economy to avoid undermining a gathering recovery. -
Yuan strengthens to almost 7-month high
CHINA, 2017/06/20 THE yuan surged to a near seven-month high yesterday, following news that China was mulling a new yuan pricing formula to enhance stability. Spot yuan strengthened through 6.8 per US dollar for the initial time since November 11 in early trade before retreating and settled at 6.8061 by the close of trade in China. The 4:30pm settlement price was still nearly 0.2 % firmer than the previous late session close. -
Back on the growth path: a 5.4% GDP increase expected
SIERRA LEONE, 2017/06/19 Sound macroeconomic policies together with generous support from development partners has helped ensure fiscal and external sustainability following the devastation caused by the Ebola crisis and a drop in iron ore prices Until the outbreak of Ebola in May 2014, Sierra Leone – a country again still emerging from the devastating legacy of conflict – was seeking to become a transformed country with middle-gain status. However, at the same time as West Africa was struck by the deadly epidemic, a disease that ended up killing thousands of people in the region, no other country suffered the shattering socio-economic consequences additional deeply than Sierra Leone. -
Marcelo Mindlin, President, Pampa Energía. Right: Eduardo Elsztain, President, IRSA Group and Banco Hipotecario
ARGENTINA, 2017/06/19 The government has outlined $260 billion worth of potential investment projects. Next passing market-friendly reforms, the country is counting on local investors to invest and set the tone for foreigners to do the same Next a decade of relative isolation from the world community, the sudden return of Argentina to the investment map with Mauricio Macri’s early reforms caused euphoria and exuberance part the investors. -
阿联酋, 2017/06/16 日前,阿联酋政府称将提供3000万美元援助,用于帮助有关国家根除小儿麻痹症。据了解,现时全球仅阿富汗、巴基斯坦和尼日利亚还存在小儿麻痹症。 此前,阿联酋曾于2011年向比尔与美琳达盖茨基金捐赠1亿美元,用于在阿富汗和巴基斯坦种痘。 -
Bahrain launches new rules for financial technology firms
BAHRAIN, 2017/06/15 The Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB) has announced new regulations to create a regulatory sandbox that will allow startups and fintech firms to test and experiment their banking ideas and solutions. The creation of the regulatory sandbox provides an opportunity for fintech businesses around the world to expand and thrive in the Gulf and strengthens Bahrain’s position as a fintech and financial services hub in the GCC. The framework provides a virtual space for companies to test their technology-based innovative solutions, and is open to existing CBB licensees and other local and foreign firms.
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