主题 > 制造业
U.S. Manufacturing Index Drops More Than Expected In April
UNITED STATES, 2017/05/03 Increase in U.S. manufacturing activity slowed additional than expected in the month of April, the Institute for Supply Management revealed in a statement released on Monday. The ISM said its purchasing managers index dropped to 54.8 in April from 57.2 in March, although a reading above 50 still indicates increase in the manufacturing sector. Economists had expected the index to dip to 56.5. -
白俄罗斯, 2017/01/02 根据欧洲自行车行业联合会的报道,2015年,欧盟自行车产量为1315万辆,其中产量较大的几个国家依次为意大利(234万)、德国(218万)、葡萄牙(121万)、波兰(94万)、保加利亚(94万)、罗马尼亚(90万)。2015年欧盟汽车零部件市场总值16.9亿欧元,占据较大市场份额的分别是意大利(4.7亿欧元)、罗马尼亚(3亿欧元)、德国(2.98亿欧元)、法国(1.7亿欧元)、葡萄牙(0.93亿欧元)。自行车销量方面,总销量为2075万辆,销量较大的国家依次有德国(435万)、英国(351万)、法国(300万)、意大利(165万)、波兰(119万),罗马尼亚销量只有40万辆。电动自行车方面,总销量为135万辆,首要销售国家为德国(53万)、荷兰(28万)、比利时(14万)、法国(10万),罗马尼亚仅1000辆左右。欧盟自行车行业就业人口约3万人,其中罗马尼亚从业人员约1600人。 -
Namibia: Donkey Meat Abattoir Planned for Okahandja
NAMIBIA, 2016/10/19 Local company Agrinature plans to set up a donkey meat abattoir at Okahandja, documents released as part of the environmental impact assessment showed yesterday. The company is owned by Namibian and Chinese investors. Agrinature said it intends to open an abattoir at Okahandja's northern industrial area, and activities which will take place at the abattoir include the slaughtering inclunding processing of donkey meat. "The intended abattoir will be operated in a warehouse that is readily available," the company said. -
Iran manufactures its first VTOL drone
IRAN, 2016/08/28 Iranian army unveiled the country’s initial homemade vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) drone on August 27, during a ceremony attended by Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan. The drone dubbed "Roham", which is capable of photogrammetric data acquisition, does not require a runway for take-off and landing, Tasnim news agency reported on August 27. It can be used in hard areas in mountainous and jungle terrain inclunding maritime missions to conduct aerial surveys. -
Iranian, French carmakers enter joint venture deal
IRAN, 2016/07/24 Iranian automaker SAIPA on Thursday signed a joint venture transaction with French carmaker PSA Peugeot Citroën to build and sell vehicles for its Citroen brand in the country, IRNA reported. Chief Executive Officer of SAIPA Mehdi Jamali and Seyyed Mohmmad Ali Seyyed Abrishami an official from the Iranian automotive group inked the transaction in the presence of Iran's Minister of Industries, Mines, and Trade Mohammad Reza Nematzadeh. -
德国, 2016/07/11 据德国联邦统计局数据指出,2016年5月经过季节和工作天数调整后的德国制造业营业额环比降低1.3%,4月该数据环比增长0.8%。5月,德国国内制造业营业额环比降低0.9%,与外国客户营业额环比降低0.8%。 -
泰国电动车投产方案 下周呈内阁审批
泰国, 2016/07/11 泰国工业部长安察卡女士昨天(8日)表示,工业部估计将在下周之内,向内阁提交电动车生产投资项目促进政策方案,以将其编列进入内阁会议审议章程之中。此外,深圳五洲龙汽车有限公司作为中国大型汽车生产商,有意在泰国投资建设大型电动客车装配厂。 -
Factories in the sun European firms bring carmaking and an aerospace industry to north Africa
CASABLANCA, 2016/06/21 CONSIDERING the help provided to large foreign manufacturers in Morocco over the completed few years, it would have taken a critical effort by them to fail. Renault, a French carmaker, for example, is thriving: of 2.8m cars it made globally last year, one in ten trundled out from its two shiny assembly plants in Tangier and Casablanca. It hopes from presently on to make 400,000 cars a year. -
卡萨布兰卡, 2016/06/21 穆罕默德六世国王13日在肯尼特拉为一所汽车领域职业培训中心启动奠基仪式。 该中心估计投资3500万迪拉姆,占地1.1万平米,可培训电缆、电池、喷漆、表面解决、数字化加工、金属制造等领域人才,估计两年内建成。 -
Turkmenistan seeks to raise investments in textile industry
TURKMENISTAN, 2016/05/28 Turkmenistan aims to further raise foreign investments and introduce new technologies, create the majority favorable conditions for investors in its textile industry, the 'Neutral Turkmenistan' newspaper reported May 25. The newspaper said that over the years of independence, cotton fiber processing increased from 3 % to 51 % in the country.
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