主题 > 环境项目
Plastic-Eating Caterpillar Could Hold Key To Tackling Plastic Pollution
WORLD, 2017/05/04 Plastic waste fouls the ocean, poisons marine life, defaces the environment and clogs gutters and landfills; sticking around for years without breaking down and with no viable solution in sight. That was until the recent discovery that a caterpillar commercially bred for fishing bait has the ability to biodegrade polyethylene: one of the toughest and most used plastics in the form of store and supermarket shopping bags. -
Revolutionary materials made in Japan
JAPAN, 2017/04/30 Japan’s efforts to revive a stagnant economy have encompassed sectors across all categories, from food and beverages, to technology and infrastructure. The apparel fashion industry is faced with the same challenge of diversifying and innovating to meet changing consumer needs. An aging people has put a focus on additional comfortable and casual clothing, presenting a challenge for designers who are geared additional towards fashion. Japan has been a leader of style on the runways for decades by presently, inspiring trends around the world. As Sidney Toledano, Chief Executive of Christian Dior reminded us before this year, “It was the Japanese clients who launched the vogue for accessories in the 1970s and 1980s, by buying bags on their journeys to Europe.” -
Egypt boosting its electricity capacity through renewables
EGYPT, 2016/12/25 n a bid to boost Egypt’s power generation capacity, government officials are looking to increase production from solar and other renewable energy sources. To this end, the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MERE) has laid out a plan to increase the all of power generated from renewable energy sources from the current level of 12% to 20% by 2022. Solar on the rise In November the government announced it had signed power-purchase agreements (PPAs) worth some €600m ($662m) for approximately 400 MW of solar power capacity. -
World Bank to Earmark $16 Billion for African Clean Energy Projects
AFRICA, 2016/11/28 Clean energy projects will be flying high across Africa as the World Bank is planning to raise $16 billion for solar, hydro, and geothermal energy projects. Practice Manager for Energy and Extractives at the World Bank, Charles Cormier, said at a side event held at the African Pavilion at the COP 22, that the move is part of the Africa Climate Business Plan which was presented at the COP 21. -
Morocco on Pace To Run on 100 Percent Green Energy by 2050
CASABLANCA, 2016/11/02 Morocco is set to become one of the initial African nations to run on 100 % green or renewable energy. According to the Morocco World News, a study carried out by a team of researchers from Stanford University shows that Morocco could go completely green by the year 2050.The research studied the energy prospects of 139 different nations with the aim of developing a feasible and hypothetical green energy scenario for each country. -
Global trade in wild African Grey Parrot banned, U.N. meeting rules
BOTSWANA, 2016/10/03 The United Nations has banned world trade in wild African Grey Parrots, prized for their ability to imitate human speech, to help counter a decline in numbers caused by trafficking and the loss of forests. The highly coveted species was placed on the convention's "Appendix I", which prohibits any cross-border movement in the birds or their body parts for commercial purposes. The decision, made at the same time as members of the U.N.'s Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) held a secret ballot for the initial time ever, came at a two week-long convention in Johannesburg. -
日本, 2016/09/30 菲贸工部长洛佩兹近期表示,菲正寻求与日本合作生产电动汽车,以降低国内碳排放规模。洛佩兹称可能的日本合作方包含日本新能源工业技术发展中心(Nedo)和联合信用机构(JCM)。 -
泰国, 2016/07/16 泰国民间机构请求政府给予电动力公共汽车免税进口待遇,以进口首批电动力公车辆,交付曼谷大众运输局进行试营运,以达到总理巴育上将关于今年11月在曼谷试启用电动力公车的要求。而工业部期望国内汽车生产商推进生产电动力汽车的投资,而进行电动力汽车生产线的投资额估计至少要达100亿铢。 工业部与国内汽车製造行业讨论推动电动力汽车生产投资事宜,而民间机构提出建议,希翼政府能给予电动力公共汽车进口税0%待遇以进口首批电动力公交汽车,给曼谷大众运输局进行试营运。同时,泰石油(PTT)公告谈到,暨今已投入资金7000万铢建设电动力汽车充电站,共建立20个电动力汽车充电站。 -
Nigerian Girls Build Robots to Tackle Waste
NIGERIA, 2016/02/27 The Odyssey Educational Foundation is a Nigerian NGO that works with children in 15 national schools in Abuja to offer a rich learning experience in robotics, computer programming and the four STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and maths. The foundation aims to encourage additional children, particularly girls, to think about pursuing science and technology careers. The organisation was set up by Esther Uzochukwu-Denis in 2013, next she travelled to India to complete an MSc. Set on pursuing a career in the telecommunications industry, she changed her mind at the same time as she discovered that school clubs in India taught children programming and provided additional STEM tuition. Inspired by the experience, she returned home determined to offer the same service to Nigerian children. -
Global wildlife agency hails Sino-U.S. deal to save elephants
CHINA, 2015/09/29 A world wildlife conservation organization on Monday lauded agreement reached between Chinese President Xi Jinping and his U.S. counterpart Barack Obama committing to take swift action to protect elephants. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) CEO Azzedine Downes said the agreement reached on Friday would play a key role in ending the poaching crisis across the globe. "President Xi has delivered a tremendous victory in the battle to save elephants. China has slammed the door in the face of all those who are profiting from the slaughter of elephants," Downes said in a statement released in Nairobi.
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