主题 > 非洲与美洲关系
加纳, 2016/07/11 美国驻加纳大使罗伯特·杰克逊近期向媒体表示,美国与加纳的贸易额估计三年内将从现时的12亿美元增至25亿美元。其表示,今年以来,美已新增5家企业开展对加贸易,将从加进口大批纺织品。 -
美国, 2016/07/09 据喀麦隆媒体综合报道,6月30日,喀总统保罗·比亚在总统府接见了美国驻喀大使豪扎。宾主双方交谈了1个小时,均表示将继续加强两国在喀极北大区打击恐怖主义的合作,把反恐斗争进行到底。 会见结束后,豪扎接受记者采访时谈到,“正如我曾经说过的那样,博科圣地比以往任何时候都更加危险。我们在打击恐怖主义方面取得了一些成功,但是反恐斗争还在继续。”他还说,“我和比亚总统谈到,要进一步扩大两国之间的合作,特别是安全部门之间的合作,加强在装备和培训方面对喀军队的支持。” -
Tougher business for German firms in Africa
GERMANY, 2016/01/07 Business sentiment part German enterprises operating in Africa is deteriorating, a fresh poll by the German-African Business Association showed Tuesday. Only 10 % of the executives polled say their current business situation is good, compared with 35 % of respondents calling it unsatisfactory. That's completely a deterioration from last year at the same time as only 6 % of those polled felt negative about their business situation in Africa, with 47 % stating they were OK. -
US President Barack Obama during his visit to Kenya earlier this year.
UNITED STATES, 2015/11/20 With the success of this year’s World Entrepreneurship Summit in Nairobi, a lot of questions are being raised about how the US has to date engaged with sub-Saharan Africa and the role of entrepreneurship in US-Africa engagement. US engagement in sub-Saharan Africa lags behind that of other nations – in particular that of China. While there is still a sizeable all of funding coming to the continent from the US, majority of it is taking the form of aid rather than investment . In 2015 alone, additional than a quarter of the nations in sub-Saharan Africa are receiving additional than US$150m each as aid (with Nigeria having the lion’s share of $720m), but China dominates the field at the same time as we look at investment as opposed to aid. In 2014, the US government estimated their corporate investments on the whole continent to be $14bn. This figure is significantly dwarfed by the $75bn China invested in the continent in the same year in the form of corporate investments. -
Great Trade Expectations Behind U.S.-Ethiopia Trade Relations
ETHIOPIA, 2015/07/29 In 1903, the United States and one of the world's oldest nations, Ethiopia, established a relationship. Emperor Menelik II described the day as "... beginnings of a relationship which will have some place in history", as quoted in a paper presented by Professor Negussay Ayele of Cornell University, to mark the 100th anniversary of that occasion. The historic relationship is, in this week, to witness a rare event with the initial visit of a sitting president of the United States paying a visit to Ethiopia. President Barack Hussein Obama's visit to Ethiopia follows what happens to be his initial visit as President, to his father's homeland, Kenya. -
Zimbabwe: Obama Out of Touch With Africa
ZIMBABWE, 2015/07/29 The much vaunted "blunt message" on gay rights by United States President Barack Obama during his visit to Kenya has come and gone as he winds down his tour with a visit to Ethiopia where he is expected to address the African Union Commission.Apart from the fanfare that marked his visit, and the bilateral agreements inked, we hope Obama realises the importance of making this historic visit during President Uhuru Kenyatta's presidency and the significance of Ethiopia as home to the AU and the fight for the continent's total freedom. -
Africa: U.S. Should Be Backing Real Economic Transformation
UNITED STATES, 2014/09/27 The focus on business at the U.S.-Africa Leadership Summit last month was a welcome pointer for how to recalibrate policy and bring tangible economic benefits in trade and investment for both Africa and the United States. Recognizing the symbolic backdrop of the summit – President Obama is of African origin, Africa supplied much of the labor that built America's economy in the 19th century, and the continent is a place of opportunity in the world economy- the time has come for the relationship to be focused on the things that really matter. Leading that most-essential inventory are infrastructure, industrialization, venture capital for entrepreneurship, and the development of human capital. -
What Africa Needs to Boost Trade With the U.S.
UNITED STATES, 2014/08/06 Ahead of the United States-Africa summit which President Barack Obama is convening next week, southern African trade expert Joshua Setipa outlines what he would say if he was to present Africa's case in Washington. If I was to go to Washington next week, I would tell the government that our relationship with the United States is one which we as Africa cherish very much, but that it is one that could use some refinement; that we need to revisit a few issues to make sure that U.S. priorities and U.S. aspirations in this relationship are consistent with Africa's political priorities. Africa's relations with the United States are of course about additional than trade and investment . There are a whole raft of issues of mutual interest - security being just one. But if we are to focus only on trade and investment , I would begin by providing an overview of where we are presently. -
US President Barack Obama’s 'Doing Business in Africa' campaign,
UNITED STATES, 2014/06/11 US President Barack Obama’s 'Doing Business in Africa' campaign, aimed at increasing US investment in Africa, is gaining momentum ahead of an August Summit with African leaders. Senior Obama government officials, however, said while the US' commitment to engage in business is clear, achieving the desired goals would require critical groundwork. “America’s commitment to this issue is clear,” said Ernest Moniz, the US Energy Secretary. “I hope our discussions can begin to answer...basic questions. What has to happen for US private business to increase their investments in Africa’s energy sector?” Secretary Moniz, who met 30 ministers of energy from across Africa during an Energy Ministerial conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 3-4 June, called for a review of potential obstacles to energy financing in Africa. -
United States seeks to expand business opportunities in Africa
UNITED STATES, 2014/05/30 United States Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker over the weekend rounded off her visit to Africa in Ethiopia, where she said US companies were looking for business opportunities across the continent. 'My trip was to discuss US commitment to Africa and what we can do to spur trade and investment in Ethiopia. President Barack Obama sees tremendous opportunities for trade and investment in Ethiopia,” Pritzker told reporters in Addis Ababa. US companies are seeking opportunities to invest in Africa’s aviation, construction, health, agriculture and energy sectors, according to the Commerce Secretary who before visited Ghana and Nigeria.
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