主题 > 经济
中国, 2017/06/29 遵守购买力平价标准(PPP)计算,至2022年,韩国人均GDP排名将升至全球第29位。 报道解析,韩国人均GDP 1992年为9,123美元,世界排名第48位,2022年将达4.9772万美元,30年间上升19个位次。 中国人均GDP 1992年为1,261美元,世界排名第133位,现在为1.6676万美元,是1992年的10倍以上。考虑到今后的增长速度,5年后至2022年,中国人均GDP将达2.3960万美元,全球排名将为第64位,30年间排名上升69位。 报道同时解析,至2022年,美国的人均GDP排名将继续维持第10名地位不变,而德国和日本等10个国家的排名将会降低。 -
PremjiInvest writes to Snapdeal again for sale clarity
INDIA, 2017/06/23 Personal investment arm of Azim Premji wants to know how rights of minority shareholders will be protected in the event of the sale being finalised PremjiInvest, the personal investment arm of Wipro chairman Azim Premji that owns a minor stake in online marketplace Snapdeal, is once again seeking better clarity on the terms at which the troubled company is being sold to market leader Flipkart, according to three people aware of the development. This is the second query, in as a lot of months, from the investment firm asking how the rights of minority shareholders will be protected in the event of the sale being finalised, the sources said, signalling further delay in the process, which is being steered by Japanese telecom and internet major SoftBank. -
Global economic gravity rapidly pulling towards Africa
BOTSWANA, 2017/06/20 The second International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA) was held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in March 2017. Since the initial conference in 2015 — at a time of robust economic increase on the continent — hopes for economic evolution have dimmed because of a crash in the price of commodities, volatile world financial markets and a slowdown in world increase. Before departing New York to attend the second ICEA conference, jointly organised by the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Assistant Secretary-General of the UN and chief of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Africa Abdoulaye Mar Dieye sat down for an interview with Africa Renewal’s Kingsley Ighobor to talk about Africa’s economic development opportunities and challenges. -
Shanghai's GDP up 6.8 percent in Q1
CHINA, 2017/06/20 SHANGHAI'S economy was off to a better-than-expected start with gross domestic product expanding 6.8 % from a year before to 692.28 billion yuan (US$100.39 billion) in the initial quarter, Shanghai Statistics Bureau said today. The pace was 0.1 % point faster than the same period of last year but 0.1 % point slower than the national average. "The city's economy grew steadily in the initial three months of this year, mainly fuelled by notable recovery in industrial output, robust domestic request inclunding improved export," said Ruan Qin, deputy director of Shanghai Development and Reform Commission. -
Central SOEs do Belt and Road projects
CHINA, 2017/06/20 NEARLY half of China’s centrally administered national-owned enterprises have participated in the Belt and Road initiative since it was launched in 2014, said Xiao Yaqing, chief of the National-owned Assets Supervision and Government Commission. Since the initiative was launched three years ago, 47 of the 102 central SOEs have invested in or built 1,676 projects in the nations and regions along the Belt and Road, Xiao said yesterday. -
OECD: global growth too weak to trim inequalities
WORLD, 2017/06/20 THE small pick-up in world increase expected this year is not enough to trim inequalities around the world, the OECD said yesterday as it called on nations to launch reforms to remedy the situation. “We need a additional inclusive, rules-based globalization that works for all, centered on people’s well-being” said OECD chief Angel Gurria, as the body released updated economic forecasts. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, which provides analysis and policy advice to advanced economies, increased its estimate for world increase this year by two tenths of a % point to 3.5 % on a recovery in world trade, even if remains below the levels before the onset of the world economic crisis. -
Corporate costs to be further reduced
CHINA, 2017/06/20 CHINA’S National Council yesterday announced further measures to reduce corporate burden and vowed additional support for the country’s “Made in China 2025” plan. China plans to cut annual corporate costs by 120 billion yuan (US$17.4 billion) through measures such as lowering logistics costs and cutting business fees, according to a statement released following the National Council conference presided by Premier Li Keqiang. -
Japan’s growth falls below expectations
JAPAN, 2017/06/20 JAPAN yesterday posted lower-than-expected increase in the initial quarter, but official data still confirmed that the country saw its longest economic expansion in over a decade. The world’s number three economy grew 0.3 % between January and March — or 1.0 % at an annualized rate — which was down from a preliminary 0.5 % increase estimate. -
China’s drive to cut overcapacity advancing well
CHINA, 2017/06/20 CHINA’S top economic planner announced yesterday that the country’s drive to cut overcapacity in steel and coal has progressed well. As of the end of May, 42.39 million tons of crude steel capacity and 97 million tons of coal capacity had been cut, accounting for 84.8 % and 65 % of the annual goals, respectively, said the National Development and Reform Commission. China will phase out about 50 million tons of crude steel capacity and over 150 million tons of coal capacity this year, according to the NDRC. By the end of June, all facilities producing inferior-quality steel bars will be dismantled, the NDRC said in May. -
BRICS continues to drive global economy
WORLD, 2017/06/20 BRICS will continue to be a increase engine of the world economy despite difficulties and challenges, Chinese Finance Minister Xiao Jie said Monday. "We firmly believe the economic condition of BRICS will be better under our joint effort," said Xiao in an interview on the sidelines of the second BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Conference. Slower-than-expected world economic recovery, policy uncertainties in developed nations, de-globalization and world protectionism caused a complex economic environment for BRICS, Xiao said.
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