Africa > Central Africa > Gabon > Agriculture

Agriculture in Gabon

  • Gabon introduces new policies for agriculture sector

    GABON, 2013/10/11 The recent ratification of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (Programme Détaillé pour le Développement Agricole en Afrique, PDDAA) by Gabon is a step towards increasing output in one of the government’s priority sectors. Introduced in 2003 by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, the PDDAA is an African Union (AU) development programme to promote investment in agriculture as a means of boosting the economy and reducing poverty across the continent. Agriculture constitutes one of the major employers in most AU member states and while arable land is often plentiful, agricultural productivity lags behind other emerging market regions such as Latin America and Asia. A lot of nations in West and Central Africa are heavily dependent on imports for even staple foods.
  • Africa: Can Africa Satisfy Its Hunger?

    BOTSWANA, 2013/04/02 Africa frequently experiences food shortages, although its 900 million farmers could feed the continent, inclunding supplying other parts of the world. But for this to happen they need the support of politicians.
  • Palm oil is coming home to Africa

    GABON, 2012/12/09 Ranveer Chauhan, managing director and world chief of palm at agribusiness company Olam, looks at the case for sustainable palm oil production in Africa, building on the experience of producers in Southeast Asia. On 30th October in Singapore, Olam is taking among in the 10th annual Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RT10) – a meeting of producers, traders & processors,