Topic > Renewable energy
Renewable energy
National energy-saving company to appear in Uzbekistan
UZBEKISTAN, 2017/08/27 National Energy-Saving Company (NEC) is being created in Uzbekistan in accordance with the presidential decree “On measures for further introduction of modern energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies”. Local media reported that the NEC is being created “for introduction of modern energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies in the national bodies and organizations, inclunding for ensuring rational consumption of the energy resources.” The company’s tasks will include monitoring the efficiency of the energy consumption in Uzbek government agencies and organizations, preparation of proposals and introduction of the modern energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies, execution of the technical, technological, economic and other measures aimed at the reduction of the consumed energy resources’ volume. -
Uzbekistan gets IRENA membership
UZBEKISTAN, 2017/08/26 Uzbekistan became a member of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) on August 24, according to the data published on IRENA’s official Twitter account. The membership in the agency is open to the states which are members of the United Nations and to regional intergovernmental economic integration organizations. -
Nigeria: Dangote Promises to Power Outage in Kano
NIGERIA, 2017/08/12 Dangote Group has signed a Memoranda of Considerate (MoU) with the Kano National Government for the proposed 100MW Dangote-Black Rhino Solar Power Plant. The formal agreement for the project, which is to be sited at Zakirai, in Gabasawa Local Government Area of the national, took place thursday, at the office of Secretary to the National Government (SSG), Alhaji Usman Alhaji, in Kano. -
墨西哥, 2017/08/10 墨西哥能源部公布,墨风电和太阳能项目共从墨外贸银行(Bancomext)、国家金融银行(Nafin)、公共工程银行(Banobra)三家开发银行获得8.1亿美元贷款。 能源部表示,这些贷款可以保障长期电力项意图基础设施建设,从而扩大能源来源。获得这些贷款的公司分别为Zuma Energia、Cubico、Alten和Cubico联合体。 -
中国, 2017/08/10 中国汽车行业协会称,中国已经成为世界最大新能源汽车市场。 遵守新华社的报道,不论是新能源汽车的生产、销售还是充电站数量,中国都占据领先地位。2016年,中国生产的包含电动车、混合动力车还有混合燃料车(氢动力汽车)在内的新能源汽车共50.7万台,而2011年中国新能源汽车产量仅1万台。 专家谈到,高速发展的科技水准是中国新能源汽车生产与销售快速增长的首要因由。5年前电动车充一次电可以跑100公里,现在可以跑300公里,并且生产成本也降低了将近一半。 新能源汽车在中国已广泛应用于公共交通,去年,中国新能源公交车总量已超过16万辆,新能源出租车达到1.8万辆。 中国机械工业公司负责人表示 “新能源汽车和智能汽车的生产让中国成为汽车业强国”。 -
The Commission for Environment, Energy and Climate Change (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions met in Tallinn today
ESTONIA, 2017/07/29 The Commission for Environment, Energy and Climate Change (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions met in Tallinn today under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The Committee is the EU’s assembly of cities and regions. Its mandate is to contribute to EU policy-making and legislation through what are known as 'opinions', which gather recommendations based on the competencies and expertise local and regional authorities have, in a wide range of policy areas. The topics of the environment and climate change were on top of the schedule today in Tallinn Creative Hub (Kultuurikatel). -
加拿大, 2017/07/27 马来西亚国家石油公司以液化天然气(LNG)市场价格低迷为由,公布取消位于BC省的Pacific NorthWest(PNW)LNG项目,并排除以后重启该项意图可能性。项目总造价拟为360亿加元。这对加拿大期望成为全球性LNG供应国构成严峻打击。马来西亚国家石油公司牵头的投资联合体为该项目已投入4亿加元。联合投资方包含中石化和中国华电。 项目历经5年研究,还有政客、环保主义者和原住民之间的争论,最终终止。在此期间,澳大利亚和美国建成数十亿美元的LNG设施,而市场需求疲软,导致LNG价格暴跌。包含LNG生厂商在内的行业支持者,批评监管程序冗长,公众对能源业发展争论不休,导致原本可创造4500个就业岗位的项目流产。 LNG出口在BC省一直是热点问题,围绕行业发展的质疑也一直不断。前省长克拉克将LNG出口看作BC省以后经济发展的基石,曾承诺2020年之前建成3座LNG加工厂,创造10万就业岗位。而PNW LNG项目流产,打碎了所有梦想。 新上任的新民主党(NDP)能源厅长表示,政府尊重马来西亚国家石油公司的决定,会鼓励其他LNG项目。竞选期间,NDP批评前执政党自由党对发展能源业的热情,声称只有符合环境等领域标准,才会寻求创造LNG行业就业。而NDP执政联盟绿党,则果断反对发展LNG。 BC省过去提出的LNG项目有十多个,而今只有一个小项目计划继续推进。此前,壳牌、中石油、韩国天然气和日本三菱联合推动的造价400亿加元的基蒂马特LNG项目已推迟最终投资决策,雪佛龙和爱克森美孚等大型能源公司也推迟了LNG项目计划。 上周,加拿大国家能源局(NEB)发布了一份悲观的加拿大LNG市场前景评估公告,认为其他国家新上的LNG项目只会让市场供应过剩更加严峻,导致中日等重要市场的LNG价格承受更大压力。澳大利亚和美国占全球在建LNG项意图75%,中短期之内全球增加的供应将首要来自这些项目。 -
法国, 2017/07/25 当日,法国电力公司(EDF)公布,费森埃姆(Fessenheim)核电站将自7月22日起完全关停几周。因由是一号核反应堆须进行保养,更换燃料;二号反应堆由于运行异常将至少关停至2018年初。 费森埃姆(Fessenheim)核电站位于上莱茵省,始建于1977年,每年年产900兆瓦电力,是法国最老而仍在使用的核电站。关闭费森埃姆核电站是法国前任总统奥朗德的一项竞选承诺,他最初预定于2016年底关闭,后来把期限推迟至2018年。 -
China’s Renewables Industry
CHINA, 2017/05/29 China has gone from the world’s major polluter to, arguably, the number-one leader in clean energy, and in the process it is achieving a growing dominance in the field of renewable energy. China has surpassed the U.S. as the world’s major greenhouse gas emitter for a decade presently, discharging twice as much as the U.S. as of this year. Presently, witnessing the consequences of rapid industrialization, the Chinese government has shifted its priorities from maintaining economic increase to achieving a additional sustainable development path. Moreover, this national-business collaboration looks beyond just protecting the environment, hoping to use diversification and investment to transform China from the “factory of the world” to its “innovation hub.” -
Final Orders for “Khalladi” Wind Power Farm Confirmed for Construction in Morocco
MOROCCO, 2017/05/28 ACWA Power Khalladi announced that it has approved final orders to suppliers and contractors for the Khalladi Wind Power Project in the Northern region of Morocco since construction began November 2015, according to a Monday press release. Khalladi is scheduled to begin commercial operation in the fourth quarter of 2016, stated in the ACWA Power website. Proposed project of the 120 MW Wind Power Farm located in Jbel Sendouq – Khalladi, the initial privately funded wind farm in Morocco, was made possible under the newly adopted regulation in March 2010 titled Law 13.09, according to the project’s 2012 Project Design Document. The law allowed opening the market of renewable energy to the private sector as Khalladi will be able to sell their electricity due to high voltage and medium voltage grid to a pool of clients.
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