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Communication / ICT
UK seeks to 'align' with EU on data protection rules
EUROPEAN UNION, 2017/08/24 The United Kingdom will propose in a position paper on Thursday (24 August) to maintain a “strong next data relationship” with the European Union next exiting the bloc. “In the modern world, data flows increasingly underpin trade, business and all relationships,” digital minister Matt Hancock said in a statement released to UK media. -
土耳其, 2017/08/24 土耳其国家统计局最新数据指出,截暨今年4月,土耳其民众(16-74岁)的电脑使用率达到56.6%,互联网使用率达到66.8%,同比分别增长1.7和5.6个百分点。其中,参与网购的人占到了网民总数的24.9%,同比增长4个百分点。 -
Surkus app lets companies pay users to be part of crowd
UNITED STATES, 2017/08/21 Pretend for a moment that you’re walking through your neighbourhood and notice a line of people wrapped around the block outside a newly opened restaurant. Local food bloggers haven’t written about the venue, so you assume the trendy-looking crowd must be the result of contagious, word-of-mouth buzz. There was a time at the same time as that may have been undoubtedly authentic — at the same time as you could trust that a crowd of people was, in fact, a naturally occurring mass of individuals. But that time may be passing thanks to Surkus, an emerging app that allowed the restaurant to quickly manufacture its ideal crowd and pay the people to stand in place like extras on a movie set. They’ve even been hand-picked by a casting agent of sorts, an algorithmic one that selects each person according to age, location, style and Facebook “likes.” -
匈牙利, 2017/08/21 匈牙利移动网速位居世界第三位,排名挪威和荷兰之后。挪威最快网速为每秒52.59兆位,荷兰46.94,匈牙利为46.24。有线网络速度排名中,新加坡列举首位(154.38),其次是韩国(125.69),第三位是香港(117.21),匈牙利则排名第12位(66.63)。 -
利比里亚, 2017/08/14 利首要电信运营商之一的Orange公司将在邦州新建4G/LTE基站,这是该公司在首都之外的第二个此类型电信基站。公司承诺将会继续致力于提升利国网络服务质量,将高速网络服务拓展至更多地区,为商业和教育发展打下基础。 -
Japanese Technology Innovation behind the scenes
JAPAN, 2017/08/09 Traditional technology pioneer Japan has faced increasingly stiff competition from the likes of Korea, Taiwan and China in the manufacturing stakes in recent years, and in a lot of cases, has been completely overtaken by its regional counterparts in international consumer markets as some of the country’s most well-known technology brands have experienced a dramatic fall from grace. To the outsider looking in, it would seem that Japan has somewhat lost its characteristic innovative edge. Both the Japanese and industry experts alike, however, argue that this is far from the truth. While goods made by once-leading Japanese electronics firms such as Sharp and Toshiba may have been steadily and undeniably restored by gadgets from their Asian competitors on department store shelves, the country’s manufacturers are indeed still ahead of the game in the technology sphere, only in areas where it’s not so obvious to customers. -
尼日利亚, 2017/08/01 谷歌尼日利亚分公司负责人本周五表示,尼日利亚拥有9100万互联网用户的,其用户增速位居非洲第一,世界第八。 该负责人认为,数字创业是尼日利亚解决就业问题的良策: “在2016年,我们公布计划为100万非洲年轻人进行免费的数字技能培训,其中一半以上来自尼日利亚全国各地。 后续调查指出,参加培训的尼日利亚人中,91%表示自从接受培训以来,其自信心有所增强;70%吸引了新客户; 91%的业务实现增长。” -
Cybersecurity in spotlight as Ghana pushes ahead with ICT development
GHANA, 2017/08/01 Ghana has stepped up efforts to bolster its fast-growing ICT sector with the signing of a new transaction strengthening cybersecurity protections. n June the Bank of Ghana (BoG) announced it had contracted a private provider, whose name has not from presently on been made public, to help fasten the data of all banks registered under its system. -
Swedish PM fights for survival amid IT scandal
SWEDEN, 2017/07/29 Sweden’s prime minister, Stefan Loefven, is under pressure to resign next it emerged that a government agency mishandled highly sensitive classified data. -
中国, 2017/07/28 中国移动、中国电信和中国联通27日公布,将比此前计划提前一个月,于9月1日起全面取消手机国内长途、漫游费。 中国电信董事长杨杰27日在广州召开的第九届“天翼智能生态博览会”上表示,近年来中国电信加快“提速降费”工作过程,宽带接入速率连续两年累计提升了3.65倍,宽带接入平均单价连续两年累计降低了81%;手机流量平均单价连续两年累计降低了57.4%。中国电信将于9月1日起,全面取消手机国内长途、漫游费,估计将惠及8000万用户。此外,电信还将大幅降低国际及港澳台长话资费还有数据漫游资费。 同时,中国移动和中国联通27日公布,将于9月1日起全面取消手机国内长途、漫游费。广受社会重视的手机国内长途、漫游费将成为历史。
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