Asia > Southern Asia > Pakistan


Capital: Islamabad;Largest city: Karachi . GDP growth (annual %) 2016 : 5.7%
Key Facts
Full name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Population: 184.7 million (UN, 2010)
Area: 796,095 sq km (307,374 sq miles)
Major languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Balochi
Major religion: Islam
Life expectancy: 65 years (men), 67 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 Pakistani Rupee = 100 paisa
Main exports: Textile products, rice, cotton, leather goods
GNI per capita: US $1,050 (World Bank, 2010)
Internet domain: .pk
International dialling code: +92

  • Climate change laws around the world


    There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of global climate change laws since 1997, according to the most comprehensive database of relevant policy and legislation.

    The database, produced by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the Sabin Center on Climate Change Law, includes more than 1,200 relevant policies across 164 countries, which account for 95% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Asia Economic Roundup: July 2016


    Without a doubt Britain’s decision to abandon the European project will be remembered globally as a wake-up call for political elites around the world. It seems the people chose to go against immediate economic interest and accept an extra financial turmoil in order to address deeply seated social and identity issues.

    Although Asia’s exposure to the UK is relatively limited and this is not exactly a “Lehman Moment”, nonetheless we can expect a lively debate as policymakers in Asia look for an appropriate response to address the needs of vulnerable households.

  • Pakistan’s economy Banks enjoy unprecedented expansion over past two years


    Pakistan’s economy is fuelling growth across sectors, with its financial sector providing numerous opportunities for global investors

    Pakistan’s revival in fortunes since the election of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has seen the country’s economy enjoy surging growth since 2013, with a multitude of opportunities for foreign investors now emerging.

  • Breaking India-Pakistan Logjam Won’t Be Easy


    On his flight back home from Kabul, Prime Minister Modi broke the journey at Lahore. This unusual drop off has become a subject for speculation. A Congress spokesman has said that the Indian country will have to pay heavily for the tea Modi had with Pakistan premier Nawaz Sharif at his family residence in Raiwaind.

  • Syed Ahmed Iqbal Ashraf President, National Bank of Pakistan


    As Pakistan’s economy gets back up to speed, the banking sector will continue to play a leading part in its recovery. In three years, the total price of assets held by the banking system has climbed from $116 billion to $147 billion

    Alittle additional than two years next the initial-ever handover from one civilian government to an extra, the numbers coming out of the macroeconomic cruncher are confirming that Pakistan is back on course to sustainable increase. Business-friendly policies and reforms initiated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s government have led some to compare Pakistan with Colombia as champions in the economic turnaround category, citing their stable governments, market-oriented reforms and manageable security situations.

  • New chief justice of Pakistan


    At the same time as the new chief justice of Pakistan took oath of office on 12 December 2013 Pakistan completed an historic changeover during a year that saw the initial civilian government in 67 years complete its constitutionally mandated term. 2013 as well saw Pakistan get a new prime minister, president and chief of army staff. Perhaps no other country has experienced such a total change of its constitutional officers within a schedule year.