Topic > Health


  • Erdogan: Fight against drug addiction one of Turkey’s priorities

    TURKEY, 2017/08/26 Fight against drug addiction is one of priorities for Turkey, the country’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, Turkish media reported on August 25. He said that the youth is the next of Turkey. “Measures to combat drug dealers have been stepped up in Turkey in recent years,” Erdogan said.
  • 越南药品严重依赖进口投资潜力大

    越南, 2017/08/23 据惠誉旗下研究机构BMI的研究公告,越南药品销售市场增幅是东盟地区最高的,在全球175个国家中增幅排名第15位。 但是,国内生产的药品只能满足45%的需求,其余均需进口,进口额年增幅约为16%,且可能持续10年左右。法国和德国是排名前两位的供货商,其余为印度、韩国、中国、波兰、日本等。在进口消费品中,药品进口额甚至高于汽车进口额,因而,药品行业正成为外来投资商重视的热点。
  • 禽流感或已造成菲农业损失18亿比索

    菲律宾, 2017/08/22 菲农业行业协会(Sinag)表示,近期菲吕宋岛邦板牙省家禽养殖场遭遇禽流感侵袭,菲农业部颁布了禁止吕宋岛家禽运至其它地区的禁令,禽肉消费市场因而受挫,10天来或已造成约18亿比索损失。 该协会负责人罗森多表示,以养殖1万只家禽的小型养殖场为例,每个小型农场主约损失50万比索,大型农场的损失则会更加严峻。现时,由于禽流感疫情已蔓延至新怡诗夏省,菲农业部表示家禽运输禁令有效期可能会延长。
  • Healthcare Property holds benefits for Africa

    CANADA, 2017/08/20 As Africa tries to build up a listed real estate industry, healthcare real estate investment trust (REITs) become additional attractive on the continent. They would formalise an industry with much potential, advises Ortneil Kutama, Africa Property News Media Director. “REITs are well structured and provide investors with tax benefits and regular gain in theory as long as they make consistent profits,” Kutama said. Nations like South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Morocco and Nigeria, which have growing populations, improving hospitals and healthcare industries, could gain capital boost. If the hospitals in these nations were listed, investors could bring that major capital boost.
  • Hospital Ship Decks in Douala Cameroon

    CAMEROON, 2017/08/18 The medical mission is placed under the supervision of the Initial Lady, Mrs. Chantal Biya, and under the auspices of the Prime Minister, Philemon Yang. Over 4500 patients begin receiving medical care today through an operation that will end June 2018. The major non-government hospital ship, Mercy Ships, arrived in Douala at about mid day yesterday. On hand to welcome the medical team was Cyrus Ngo'o, General Manager of the seaport. A brief moment of exchange between the seaport authority and the captain of the mobile hospital, John Borrow, during which both men harped on their remain , took place in the watchful eyes of media men and women.
  • Buhari Among African Presidents Who Lack Faith in Own Health Systems

    ANGOLA, 2017/08/18 The Presidency, yesterday, drew back from joining the fray next President Muhammadu Buhari was listed by the BBC part African presidents who have "an apparent lack of faith in the health systems at home." The other presidents listed included Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Patrice Talon (Benin), Abdelaziz Bouteflika (Algeria), and Jose Eduardo dos Santos (Angola).
  • Cholera epidemic reaches half million mark in war-torn Yemen

    YEMEN, 2017/08/15 The total number of suspected cholera cases in war-torn Yemen reached half a million mark since late April, the highest record since the world war II, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday. In a press release, WHO as well said nearly 2,000 people died since the outbreak began to spread rapidly at the end of April. It said the suspected cases of the deadly waterborne disease continue to rage across the Arab country, infecting an estimated 5000 people per day. The spread of cholera has slowed significantly in some areas compared to peak levels but the disease is still spreading fast in additional recently affected districts, which are recording large numbers of the cases, said WHO.
  • 缅甸H1N1疫情已致17人死亡,国内国际社会伸出援手

    缅甸, 2017/08/10 根据缅甸卫生与体育部统计,自7月21日至8月8日下午2点,433名接受诊疗的疑似患者中,166名患者确认感染H1N1,其中17人死亡。 另据卫生与体育部统计,缅甸已为超过150万学生提供健康知识培训和宣传手册,并已在高速汽车、客车、火车和船只上张贴应对流感的条幅和海报。国内和国际企业、联合国机构、国际组织和外国政府等以捐赠现金、药品、医疗设备、防护器具等方式向缅甸伸出援手。其中,中国政府正积极筹措为缅甸捐赠奥司他韦、流感疫苗、医疗设施和呼吸机等,助力缅甸应对H1N1疫情。
  • 津巴布韦禽流感再次来袭

    津巴布韦, 2017/08/01 禽流感导致离哈拉雷25公里的一家农场数千只鸡死亡,这是该农场自今年5月以来第二次遭受禽流感袭击了。津农业部高级官员证实了此事,他表示将对该农场进行为期三个月的检疫,直到确认疫情已经全部解决。 该官员表示,此家农场是津唯一遭受禽流感的农场,政府正全力采取防范措施,避免疫情散播。
  • Qatar focuses on preventive care in new national health strategy

    QATAR, 2017/08/01