Ambassador : H.E.Mr.Ahmed Rezk M. Rezk
Full name: Arab Republic of Egypt
Population: 82.5 million (UN, 2011)
Capital: Cairo
Area: 1 million sq km (386,874 sq miles)
Major language: Arabic
Major religions: Islam, Christianity
Life expectancy: 72 years (men), 76 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 Egyptian Pound = 100 piastres
Main exports: Petroleum, petroleum products and cotton
GNI per capita: US $2,440 (World Bank, 2010)
Internet domain: .eg
International dialling code
: +20

Strikes Threaten National Economy 2012-09-18



Egypt: Industry Minister - Strikes Threaten National Economy

Speaking to Al-Ahram newspaper, Industry and Foreign Trade Minister Hatem Saleh said that the ministry of industry is carrying out a full dressed plan of incentives which will be applied in the field of industrial investment in Sinai. Under this plan, he said incentives would be offered to new enterprises which will devote 50% of new job opportunities for Sinai citizens.

Meanwhile, Saleh has warned against the phenomenon of illegal strikes and sits in which have plagued a large number of factories in governorates which sustained heavy damages. He said these strikes threaten to augment economic recovery which will not benefit the interests of amount parts in Egypt.