Ambassador : H.E.Mr.Ahmed Rezk M. Rezk
Full name: Arab Republic of Egypt
Population: 82.5 million (UN, 2011)
Capital: Cairo
Area: 1 million sq km (386,874 sq miles)
Major language: Arabic
Major religions: Islam, Christianity
Life expectancy: 72 years (men), 76 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 Egyptian Pound = 100 piastres
Main exports: Petroleum, petroleum products and cotton
GNI per capita: US $2,440 (World Bank, 2010)
Internet domain: .eg
International dialling code
: +20

Egypt ignoring EU sanctions on Iran crude oil 2012-07-20



Egypt ignoring EU sanctions on Iran crude oil

The Egyptian government by ignoring the European Union's sanctions unilaterally imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran continues to transit of Iran's crude oil from its soil.

Egypt does not apparently have a program for stopping transport of Iran's crude oil via Suez Canal or pipelines passing through its soil.

An informed Egyptian official in the Arab country's energy sector announced that EU's sanctions imposed on Iran are not related to Egypt and they only include the EU member states.

Iran's crude oil like other nations are transferred through Egypt according to specific contracts and Iran has not received any official regarding a ban on transfer of its crude oil through Egypt as from now on. Iran's crude oil is transferred through Sume Company's pipeline which links Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkey of the biggest consumers of Iran's crude oil received additional than 160,000 barrels per day of Iran's crude oil in May through Suez Canal in Egypt.