主题 > 生态旅游
Be Spoiled By The Unspoiled Discover a ‘lost world’ in South America
GUYANA, 2016/12/11 Emerging as a incomparable eco-tourism destination with exceptional pristine rainforests, undisturbed ecosystems, exotic flora & fauna, and a vibrant culture and people, Guyana is capturing the hearts and minds of adventurers, eco-tourists, conservationists and curious vacationers looking to experience a truly unspoiled gem in South America. Nestled between Venezuela to the west, Suriname to the east, and Brazil to the south, Guyana has often been overshadowed as a tourist destination by some of its bigger, and louder, neighbors stealing the region’s limelight on the international tourism stage. However, the government of South America’s only English-speaking country is determined to see the word spread about its immense natural attractions and provide the conditions to enable its tourism industry to shine. It has embarked on an image building and branding campaign to not only get the message across to international tourists and investors as to Guyana’s huge attractions, but as well to the Guyanese of tapping the business potential in this nascent sector. -
加纳, 2015/11/10 据加纳门户网站“加纳网”11月9日报道,加纳财政部副部长莫娜•夸泰日前表示,加纳财政部将协助稀树草原管理局扩大融资来源,以将加纳北部稀树草原生态区建设为经济社会转型的标杆。 同时,莫娜•夸泰表示,加纳现时基础设施建设缺口高达25亿美元,政府无力独自承担,因而鼓励相关机构建立融资平台,吸引金融机构投资。 -
Tanzania Not Planning Hunting Ban
TANZANIA, 2015/09/15 The government has made it clear there are no plans to suspend sports hunting in the country as demanded by conservationists. Dr. Adelhelm Meru, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism was reacting to proposals last week by the Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF). The proposals ask that African nations that allow hunting should consider suspending the business, pending the establishment of sustainable rules of the game. -
Maverick Elephant Causes Mayhem At Lunch Table,Zimbabwe
ZIMBABWE, 2015/09/15 A video has emerged of an elephant causing mayhem at the alfresco luncheon table of guests at a luxury camp in Zimbabwe's famed Mana Pools National Park. Two male diners appear to be slightly nervous as they sit with their backs turned to the giant mammal, who searches the grassy floor with his trunk just metres behind them. Again the elephant, ears flapping, takes several steps towards the two men, lowers its chief and swings his trunk and tusks at one of them, propelling him out of the picture frame. The elephant instantly turns on the man's fellow diner, nudging him over the top of the table. -
Ecotourism attract visitors to Lebanon,Lebanese people to discover their own country
LEBANON, 2015/08/09 In February, the Ministry of Tourism launched a five-year plan to develop rural tourism in Lebanon, using a wide definition of ecotourism that covers religious, regional, agricultural, sports and traditional food tourism. In the '90s, ecotourism was the initiative of small groups and nongovernmental organizations — such as Arcenciel and T.E.R.R.E. Liban — sharing their passion for the environment with local and international visitors. Tourism in Lebanon, since the 2006 war with Israel, has been through ups and downs, between a record 361,934 arrivals in July 2010 and the first-quarter 2014 drop with only 229,252, according to the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Finance and the Central Administration of Statistics. According to Executive Magazine’s May 2014 report, “Lebanon needs a bold new beginning in the tourism sector.” The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves interpretation and education." -
Angola Ministers assess acotourism potential
ANGOLA, 2015/05/14 At the conference, held for the initial time, the minister agreed that boosting and promoting ecotourism in the various conservation areas will provide numerous gains to both sectors. The Environment minister said that the chain of environmental actions involving tourism will promote the complexity of national culture and strengthen the economy. Angolan ministers of Environment Fátima Jardim, and Hotel and Tourism, Pedro Mutinde, met Wednesday in Luanda, under the presidential order on the promotion of ecotourism in protected areas. -
日本, 2014/12/18 日本政府观光局(JNTO)昨日发布数据指出,今年1-11月访日外国游客达到1218万人,比去年同期增加28%。受短期签证条件放宽及日元贬值因素影响,日本旅游成本降低,单月访日游客连续9个月超过100万人。媒体评估2014年全年将超过1300万人。 同时,受日元持续贬值影响,出国旅游的日本游客连续6个月同比有所减少。今年11月,访日外国游客达到117万人,同比增加39%,其中中国游客人数比去年同期翻倍,达到20.8万人。JNTO表示,“由于10月扩大了免税产品种类,赴日购物的中国游客清楚增加”。来自韩国的游客人数达到23.9万人,同比增加40%,占旅游客源国(地区)首位。 -
Killing of elephants in Mozambique reaching proportions never seen before
MOZAMBIQUE, 2014/10/09 Environmentalists warned in mid-September that killing for ivory by organised syndicates was being carried out on an “industrialised” scale – between 1 500 and 1 800 elephants are being poached a year, mostly in northern Mozambique. In Niassa National Reserve, the country’s major game reserve, the World Conservation Society (WCS) counted 22 elephants poached in the initial two weeks of September alone. “The killing of elephants in the north of Mozambique is reaching proportions at no time seen before. The killing of elephants is being industrialised,” said Carlos Pareira, an advisor to the WCS. Between 2009 and 2013 Niassa’s elephant people was reduced from 20 374 to less than 13 000. -
Rhinos in South Africa: Illegally killed for their horns
SOUTH AFRICA, 2014/10/09 Just over a thousand rhinos were illegally killed for their horns in South Africa last year. These figures contribute to the 34% increase in the number of reported environmental incidents during the 2013/2014 financial year. Environment minister, Edna Molewa, revealed this at a briefing in Pretoria. During the 2012/2013 financial year the department has registered almost 5 000 incidents compared to just over 6 000 in the previous reporting period. -
EU Money for Virunga National Park in Congo with no safeguards in place?
CONGO KINSHASA, 2014/10/05 Announcements that the Virunga National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be getting additional EU funding next by presently spending some 30+ million Euros over the completed 25 years, have met with instant demands that safeguards must be provided by the regime in Kinshasha on several areas of concern. irunga National Park is a 7800 square kilometer World Heritage Site that lies on the eastern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is the is the second oldest national park in the world, behind only Yellowstone, and the oldest in Africa. It is the majority diverse national park on the African continent that boasts savannas, lava plains, swamps, erosion valleys, forests, active volcanoes and the ice fields of the Rwenzori Mountains. Part Virunga’s numerous species of wildlife, the park is home to approximately 200 of the world’s critically endangered mountain gorillas that live on the slopes of the Virunga volcano ranger which includes active Nyiragongo volcano and the major lava lake in the world.
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