Europe > Northern Europe > Denmark > Denmark Agriculture Profile 2012

Denmark: Denmark Agriculture Profile 2012






Denmark Agriculture Profile 2012

Agriculture is intensive and highly specialized and centers on the production of livestock and livestock products. Most of the farmland is used for grazing and the growing of grain, root, and forage crops for feed. Virtually all farmers belong to cooperatives, which maintain the quality and uniformity of agricultural products and engage in marketing and research.
Denmark is a major exporter of bacon, ham, pork, beef, butter, and cheese. Barley, used for food and feed and in making beer, is the most widely grown crop. Other crops include wheat, oats, sugar beets, rapeseed, and potatoes.


A seafaring tradition and rich fishing grounds nearby have helped make Denmark a prominent fishing nation. Fish is a common Danish food and a valuable export. Sand lance, sprat, pout, and cod are among the principal fish landed. Most of the major fishing ports are on the North Sea.