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Belgium: Belgium Foreign Relations Profile


Belgium Foreign Relations Profile

The Concert of Nations sanctioned the creation of Belgium in 1830 on the condition that the country would remain strictly neutral. During the World Wars, Belgium tried but was unable to follow a policy of neutrality due to the German invasions. In 1948, Belgium signed the Treaty of Brussels with Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, and a year later became of the founding members of NATO.

Belgium remains a strong proponent of both NATO and European defense efforts. Belgium as well is a strong advocate of strengthening economic and political integration within the EU. Having federalized their own country, a lot of Belgians view themselves as the ultimate "European federalists."

Both NATO (since 1966) and the EU have their headquarters in Brussels; SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, NATO's military headquarters) is in the south of the country, near Mons.

Belgium supported the expansion of NATO and EU membership to the new democracies of central and eastern Europe and is actively engaged in the Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE) in Europe. Belgium served as the Chair-in-Office of the OSCE in 2006. Belgium sat on the United Nations Security Council during 2007-2008 and served as President of the EU from July 1 to December 31, 2010.

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