Senegal's Catch of a Lifetime 2012-08-30
Senegal's Catch of a Lifetime
A heart-warming David and Goliath-type story from our oceans campaign in West Africa (with a happy ending).The Local fishing community in Thiaroye, Dakar, now really have a reason to dance. Since the new Senegalese government took action to stop overfishing, fisheries in the region are slowly regenerating, and fishermen are returning home with healthier catches.
Stopping the plunder of Africa's oceans is not just about the fish - it actually has a lot to do with people too. By ensuring that fish stocks are well managed and regularly given the luck to regenerate, we are safeguarding a very precious resource that provides jobs, fills empty bellies, and keeps the ocean full of life.Healthy oceans mean healthy people - something we are seeing first-hand on the ground in Dakar, Senegal
The West Coast of Africa is home to some of the world's richest fisheries - a vital source of protein and employment for communities in Senegal, and other countries along the coast. Sadly, as European and Asian waters have been almost quite emptied of fish, so the fleets responsible for that destruction moved down into African waters. Hauling out massive quantities of fish on a daily basis - a lot of times better than what local fishermen would catch in a whole time- these foreign fleets began to severely cripple fish stocks. Senegalese fishermen were forced to spend longer out at sea for much smaller catches.
But there's a happy ending. Thanks to effective community mobilisation in Senegal, and decisive action from a new Senegalese government, the situation is starting to turn around.
Watch the video clip to learn extra about this happy story: a victory for Senegalese people and for Greenpeace's office in Dakar.