Agriculture in Cameroon
CAMEROON, 2014/12/18
The World Bank has granted Cameroon a loan of US$ 100 million (about FCFA 50 billion) to enable the Central African country to finance its project on investment and development of agricultural markets (PIDMA), according to an agreement signed by both parties.
PIDMA is aimed at strengthening competitiveness of Cameroonian products on national and international markets.
According to the Cameroonian Minister of Economy, Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, the project, designed in the form of an inclusive model of agro-business, is based on the development of the competitiveness of the price chains of corn, cassava and sorghum and the direct contact between producers, organized in cooperatives, and buyers.
CAMEROON, 2014/04/13
Actors in the agricultural sector in Cameroon met on Wednesday in Yaoundé for the validation of the seven-year National Agricultural Investment Plan (PANIA) estimated at F CFA 3,550 billion.
The conference was to identify funding needs and strategies to mobilise the money to be used during the next seven years to boost the agricultural sector through the National Agricultural Investment Plan.
The conference will as well validate the Plan next Cameroon signed the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) in Maputo, Mozambique.
CAMEROON, 2014/02/23
Absence of a national strategy, land use plan and low capacity of smallholders to blame.
Since recent years, the focus has been on developing the palm oil sector via development of palm oil production and expansion of areas of oil palm plantations. Smallholders own about 70 % of oil palm plantations against 30 % to agro-industry, but smallholders produce just about 30 % of national Fresh Branch Fruits.
Addressing the range of different challenges smallholders face requires input from a lot of different actors. Government agencies, corporate and supply chains can assist smallholders in addressing these challenges, thereby supporting them to produce additional sustainability. It is in this light that the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, CIRAD, CIFOR, ZSL and Proforest, organised a consultative workshop to improve collaborative partnership between agro-industries and smallholder schemes for the sustainable production of palm oil in Douala on February 13-14.
CAMEROON, 2013/11/17
Communities in Cameroon's Southwest Region fear they could lose their land next environment groups warned that U.S.-owned palm oil firm Herakles Farms is seeking to sell off existing plantations in the face of local resistance and expand its activities in other areas.
But the government has reassured the people of Nguti sub-division that it is aware of the plans of the Herakles' Cameroon branch in their region, and will ensure the company operates within the law. Representatives of the large forest community have said they fear being displaced from their land if Herakles Farms grows oil palm there on a large scale.
Chief Tabi Napoleon of Baro-Upper Balong, one of the villages located on the 2,532 hectares Herakles reportedly wants to exploit, said his people had not been informed about the realities of the scheme.
BOTSWANA, 2013/04/02
Africa frequently experiences food shortages, although its 900 million farmers could feed the continent, inclunding supplying other parts of the world. But for this to happen they need the support of politicians.
CAMEROON, 2013/01/15
Agweig Pauline, 28, is a budding poultry farmer in Bamenda, the capital of Cameroon’s Northwest region. She says that unlike other young people her age, she has always had a passion for agriculture and has decided to pursue it in a unique way. “Growing up, I had a passion for agriculture,” she says. “However, I didn’t want to operate like the other farmers in my community."
CAMEROON, 2013/01/15
An agricultural revolution has been born to revalorie Cameroon's immense research potential, guarantee farm seeds quality and quantity, encourage large-scale agriculture and boost food production. By initiating, funding and signing, last January 12 in Ekona, a Memorandum of Considerate (MoU) between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Improvment(MINADER) on the one hand, and the Cameroon's Institute of Agricultural Research for Improvment(IRAD), Minister Essimi Menye has staged what a lot of experts described as "A new page for farming evolution in the country".
CAMEROON, 2012/12/09
Transformed to train Agro-pastoral Entrepreneurs (APE), the Regional College (RCA) and Technical School of Agriculture (TSA), Bambili, which hitherto, trained Senior Agricultural Technicians, Technicians and Assistant Technicians of Agriculture, have enrolled 92 students for the new training programme conceived to train reference Agro-pastoral Entrepreneurs,
CAMEROON, 2012/12/09
Cameroon is working to better market its cocoa exports with plans to increase production nearly 40% over the next five years.
Geography should play a bigger role in cocoa and coffee marketing, say Cameroon‘s industry experts, such as Michael Ndoping, general manager of the country’s National Cocoa and Coffee Board.
CAMEROON, 2012/09/15