主题 > 房地产


  • 外国买家抢购希腊房地产

    希腊, 2017/06/15 随着旅游业的兴旺对房地产市场的正面影响,今年来自国外的房地产买家是过去十年以来增长最快的一年。据希腊中央银行发布的最新数据,一季度,从海外流入用于房地产收购的资金同比增长61.7%,其中1-2月增长56.7%,3月增速更快。报道表示,如果现状在2017年整年持续,将有4.3亿欧元资金从国外进入房地产市场。 2016年来自海外投资于希腊房地产的资金达到2.7亿欧元,比2015年增长45.3%。地产界人士表示,外国资金进入希腊房地产市场,对处于危机中的希腊经济有特别积极的作用。
  • Abu Dhabi real estate continues to weather market downturn

    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, 2017/04/16 The prolonged dip in oil prices and associated government spending cutbacks have continued to weigh on real estate markets, though Abu Dhabi has remained resilient entering 2017. Challenges remain, particularly in commercial and residential classes, the sectors most prone to effects of a slowdown in energy-related business. However, new real estate legislation implemented over the completed year, inclunding the reinstatement of rental caps, has the capacity to improve investor confidence in the long term.
  • Moves afoot to facilitate home ownership in Ghana

    GHANA, 2017/04/06 Home-ownership drive Speaking to local media in January, Samuel Atta Akyea, the minister for housing and works, said the government planned to set up a fund to subsidise the cost of housing for low-gain earners. Atta Akyea as well announced that the Ministry of Housing and Works (MoHW) is considering setting up a bank for the housing sector to help with the government of the fund, which itself will support the restructuring of the existing home loan system to ensure that mortgage repayments are affordable. With a new proposal to fund affordable housing on the table, along with a previously mooted abolition of the value-added tax (VAT) on property sales, the 2017 outlook for Ghana’s housing market has brightened.
  • Aaref Hejres, Chairman of BaPDA

    BAHRAIN, 2017/03/04 The Bahrain Property Development Association (BaPDA) is a non-profit organization established in 2010 as the kingdom’s initial property development association. Here, chairman Aaref Hejres discusses the real estate sector, the second major industry next banking, and how BaPDA is expanding social housing programs. Most GCC governments regard the real estate sector as the cornerstone of the economic development in their nations. In particular, Bahrain’s property market witnessed stability across most real estate sectors in the second half of 2016, which is expected to continue through 2017. How do you evaluate the performance of the real estate sector in Bahrain?
  • 肯尼亚房地产投资预计在大选年将降温

    肯尼亚, 2017/02/15 大部分当地及外国投资商表示将等待8月8日大选结束后再决定是否投资。下一个投资周期将于本次大选后开始,并于下次大选前结束,现时市场将采取观望态度。 现时,受到资本利得税(CGT)及贷款利率上限影响,住宅及商用地产增速放缓。但同时,仓储及物流类房产将涌现机会,特别是随着蒙内标准轨铁路完工,还有部分城镇人口增长,将带来仓储类地产的迅速发展。  
  • 2016年第三季度菲房地产行业销售收入增长最快

    菲律宾, 2017/02/06 菲律宾国家统计局(PSA)表示,2016年第三季度,菲律宾行业总收入指数上升6.8个百分点,较2015年第三季度改良了2.6个百分点。总收入指数是衡量各行业企业销售收入的指标。
  • Real estate: Although real estate in Ghana has slowed down, REITs hold potential

    GHANA, 2017/01/14 Ghana’s emerging real estate sector contributes significantly to the development of the economy as far as housing is concerned. The government has helped to establish the Ghana Real Estate Developers Association as an initiative for public and private sector participation in housing investment and delivery. The association was formally inaugurated on October 28, 1998 under the laws of the country as a private company limited by guarantee.
  • 政府征收居住费将使私营行业受损

    沙特阿拉伯, 2017/01/04 沙特政府发布的自2017年7月起向外籍劳工及其家属收取“居住费”的报道引发商界担忧。 利雅得商工会投资证券委员会委员Abdullah Al-Maghlouth认为,这一举措虽然能在2020年前为沙特增加650亿里亚尔(约合173亿美元)的财政收入,但同时也将对私人承包商及建材、食品和消费品等行业的私营企业产生负面影响。一是该举措将增加企业成本,随之推高物价。二是实施该举措后,沙特对外劳的吸引力也将降低。
  • Djibouti seeks public and private solutions to social housing shortfall

    DJIBOUTI CITY, 2016/11/24 Government authorities are looking to partnerships and new programmes in a bid to address Djibouti’s affordable housing deficit. In mid-September President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh announced a social housing plan that will provide 20,000 units, funded by grants from multiple donors, inclunding Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Morocco and China. While the total price of the programme has from presently on to be disclosed, the completed housing units are expected to cost tenants between DJF15,000 ($84.40) and DJF40,000 ($225) per month, according to press reports.
  • 裁员潮冲击阿布扎比房地产市场

    阿联酋, 2016/11/01 据仲量联行发布的最新公告指出,阿布扎比私营和公共部门的持续裁员已给阿布扎比房地产市场带来了巨大冲击,第三季度房地产销售的价格和租金因而而面临着沉重压力。 数据指出,第三季度阿布扎比房地产成交量低迷,黄金地段销售价格同比降低11%至1.475万迪拉姆(约4030美元)/平方米,两居公寓平均租金价格同比降低6%至15.7万迪拉姆(约4.3万美元)/年。 仲量联行表示,对雇员需求的减少推动政府部门、石油和天然气、金融服务等行业掀起了一波裁员潮,是阿布扎比这轮房价下跌的首要因素。