主题 > 基础设施项目


  • Rakhine airport in Myanmar to be built by tender

    MYANMAR, 2017/03/06 The Rakhine National government will invite tenders for the construction of an airport in Mrauk-U, National Planning and Finance Minister Kyaw Aye Thein said. He told the Myanmar Times that the decision to put the airport project out to tender was due to insufficient funds in the national’s budget which allocated K2 billion a year for the project.
  • Chinese firm to start building $2.3bn railway line in Zambia

    ZAMBIA, 2016/11/06 Construction of a 388.8 kilometres railway line that will link Zambia’s eastern part to the north is set to begin next the country’s government signed a $2.3b transaction with a Chinese firm. The transaction will finance engineering, designing and construction of the 388.8km Chipata-Petauke-Serenje railway line, the Africa Review reports. According to Zambia’s Transport and Communication Minister Brian Mushimba the project was part of the Chinese government pledge of $60 billion to boost cooperation with Africa for the period of 2016-2018.
  • China Exim Bank Will Lend Tanzania $7.6 Billion for Railway

    CHINA, 2016/07/26
  • Pakistan working on Gwadar-China oil pipeline

    CHINA, 2016/07/14 Pakistan is working on a plan to lay an oil pipeline from Gwadar to China for the export of crude and has given the task to national construction firm Frontier Works Organisation, say officials who are aware of the development. The pipeline will run from Gwadar Port to western China and will allow Beijing to diversify and speed up import of crude oil. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had floated the idea of constructing the oil pipeline during a visit to China.
  • Djibouti partners with China to develop local infrastructure and global trade routes

    CHINA, 2016/06/18 Djibouti has recently inked an agreement with China to streamline the East African country’s Customs systems, in a bid to consolidate its position as a logistics and trade centre for the region. The agreement comes as Djibouti channels some $14bn worth of investment – inclunding over $1bn worth of concessional financing from Chinese banks ­– for a spate of major infrastructure projects, ranging from free trade zones to a new railway and port facilities. The new Silk Road
  • 比绍市Nbatonha休闲公园项目举行奠基仪式

    几内亚比绍, 2016/05/12 据几比国家通讯社报道,5月10日,为庆祝几比与欧盟建交40周年,欧盟驻几比代表处召开援助项目“N'Batonha休闲公园”奠基仪式,几比总理科雷亚、比绍市市长费雷拉参加。
  • Africa: China in U.S.$6 Billion Offer for Tanzania Rail

    CHINA, 2016/05/10 China last week said it is ready to provide $6.8 billion for the construction of Tanzania's Standard Gauge railway along the Central Corridor . This follows talks held between China's Ambassador to Tanzania Dr. Lu Youqing and President John Magufuli in which the government has as well set aside $454,545 out of its $13.2 billion in the fortcoming 2016/17 financial year. A statement issued by the National Home reveals that construction of the 2,561 railway is expected to boost the performance of the port of Dar es Salaam and the national economy in general. Ambassador Lu as well handed over to President Magufuli a letter with message from Chinese President Xi Jinping.
  • Ethiopia: URRAP Reaches 76 Percent Across Country

    ETHIOPIA, 2016/04/28 URRAP assisted extensively in creating better road networks part rural kebeles across the nation The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) has disclosed that the Universal Rural Roads Access Program (URRAP) has hit 76 % during the initial Increase and Transformation Plan period. The performance was made public Friday at a consultative conference between ERA and national stakeholders to evaluate the implementation and the next direction of URRAP in the country.
  • 喀麦隆大项目取得重大进展

    喀麦隆, 2016/04/21 4月19日, 《喀麦隆论坛报》发表文章,对今年即将完工并投入使用的大型基础设施项目进行了解析和评论。《论坛报》引述总统保罗·比亚的新年致辞,“2016年的首要任务是为国家实现真正意义上的工业化创造条件”,认为“发展基础设施是实现工业化的重要前提”。同时,该报纸提到总统对于2016年女子非洲杯和2019年非洲杯男足赛事承办的指示,并简要讲解了承办非洲杯赛事的各个体育场的建设、使用情况。   《论坛报》还对这些进入尾声的大型基础设施项目进行了具体的报道。其中包含了中资企业承建的隆潘卡尔水电站、巴富萨姆体育场还有克里比深水港。   隆潘卡尔水电站,位于东部大区,距大区首府贝尔图阿120公里。2015年9月25日,隆潘卡尔开始部分蓄水,容量达30亿立方米。项目负责人Anthon Mitev接受采访时表示,该项目现已完工94%。项目将于2016年9月完工,届时隆潘卡尔水电站将实现60亿立方米的最大蓄水,从而对河流流量进行有效调节,并更好地发挥下游松鲁鲁和埃代阿两个水电站的发电作用。《论坛报》评价该项目“在喀麦隆经济振兴中占有重要地位”。
  • 荷兰与韩国将共同建设雅加达巨型海坝项目。

    印尼, 2016/04/09 印尼政府不断制定有关首都沿海综合区(NCICD)的工程建设计划,荷兰与韩国将分工合作,共同建设巨型海坝项目。日前,印尼公共工程与住房部水力资源总司总司长穆基亚迪表示,上述分工合作已纳入海坝建设总体规划,并将在本月内签署谅解备忘录(MoU)。 他表示,根据分工,韩国方面将负责收集首要资料,然后由荷兰方面来解析及制定总体方案。印尼经济统筹部负责基础设施和区域发展事务的副部长鲁琦表示,韩国方面将负责研讨和勘测事宜。