> 经济


  • Chile presidential candidate Pinera would modify pension system

    CHILE, 2017/08/03 Chilean presidential candidate Sebastian Pinera said on Wednesday that the national would increase its support of poorer pensioners if he were elected, but he stopped short of the additional radical reform proposed by incumbent President Michelle Bachelet. Conservative hopeful Pinera led Chile between 2010 and 2014 and is the favorite to win the November vote or the likely second round run-off in December.
  • 希腊六月失业率降为21.7%

    希腊, 2017/08/02 希腊6月失业率降低至21.7%,失业人数达104.1万,比5月的22%略有降低,但失业率仍然是欧盟国家最高,欧盟国家6月失业率为9.1%,5月修订后的失业率为9.2%。9.1%的失业率是2009年2月以来最低的。
  • 保加利亚6月失业率5.9%

    保加利亚, 2017/08/02 2017年6月欧盟国家平均失业率为7.7%,创2008年以来新低,其中保加利亚失业率为5.9%,在欧盟国家中列第11位。
  • 6月欧元区失业率下降至9.1%

    欧洲, 2017/08/02 欧元区失业率小幅降低至9.1%,达到2009年2月以来的最低值。2016年9月,欧元区失业率曾达到10%的历史高值,随后一直呈降低趋势。在欧元区19国中,德国失业率仅为3.8%,捷克为2.9%,而希腊和西班牙则分别高达21.7%和17.1%。
  • 墨西哥上半年财政收入增长7.6%

    墨西哥, 2017/08/01 2017年上半年,墨财政收入26557亿比索(1美元约合18比索),同比增长7.6%。其中石油收入4137.9亿比索,增长24.5%;税收收入14722.7亿比索,增长0.1%;联邦政府非税收收入4242.6亿比索,增长20.7%。 截至6月底,墨外债余额1873.18亿美元,占GDP的15.8%。
  • 2017年6月捷克失业率降至2.9%

    捷克, 2017/08/01 6月份捷失业率为2.9%,同比降低1.3个百分点。其中,男性失业率为2.4%,女性为3.5%。捷克是欧盟内失业率最低的国家之一,今年以来捷失业率持续走低,1、2月份为3.5%,3月3.4%,4月3.3%,5月3.0%。
  • 希腊物价水平处于欧盟较高水平

    希腊, 2017/08/01 在经历了8年的金融危机之后,希腊的物价水准仍处于欧盟较高水准。 欧洲统计局数据表明,希腊的电信和邮政服务价格要高于包含瑞士在内的所有的欧盟国家,比欧盟平均水准高出40%。尽管希腊人均GDP只有欧盟平均水准的67%,但希腊食品价格高出欧盟平均水准高出4%。其他南欧国家,如西班牙和葡萄牙的食品价格要低于希腊和欧盟平均水准。 此外,希腊的酒精和烟草消费价格比欧盟其他国家要高,交通出行价格也比意大利、西班牙甚至卢森堡的水准高。希腊家具价格也高于像德国和法国这样远比希腊富裕国家的水准。
  • U.S. GDP Growth Accelerates In Line With Estimates In Q2

    UNITED STATES, 2017/07/30 Economic activity in the U.S. increased in line with economist estimates in the second quarter, according to a statement released by the Commerce Department on Friday. The statement said real gross domestic product climbed by 2.6 % in the second quarter next rising by a downwardly revised 1.2 % in the initial quarter. Economists had expected GDP to increase by 2.6 % in the second quarter compared to the 1.4 % increase that had been reported for the previous quarter.
  • Taiwan Sustains Growth Momentum In Q2

    TAIWAN AREA, 2017/07/29 Taiwan's economic increase continued strong in the second quarter, albeit at a slower pace, official figures showed Friday. Gross domestic product grew 2.1 % year-on-year next a 2.60 % increase in the previous quarter. Economists had expected 2.2 % expansion.
  • UK requests EU migration study, 13 months after Brexit vote

    EUROPEAN UNION, 2017/07/29 The UK's home affairs minister has asked the country's migration advisory committee for a “detailed assessment” of the role migration of EU citizens plays in the UK economy, she announced in an op-ed on Thursday (27 July). “We will be asking the committee to examine the British labour market, the in general role of migration in the wider economy and how the UK’s immigration system should be aligned with a modern industrial strategy,” home secretary Amber Rudd wrote in the Financial Times.