> 旅游


  • New air links provide support for Tanzanian tourism

    TANZANIA, 2017/08/01 An expansion in air connections, inclunding low-cost routes, is expected to help sustain Tanzania’s increase in visitor numbers and strengthen its tourism sector. Last month the UAE-based low-cost carrier flydubai announced that from late October it will launch six flights per week between the UAE and Kilimanjaro, the site of Africa’s tallest peak. The airline by presently operates services to Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, and has plans to increase the number of direct flights to the latter from three per week to eight.
  • 法国吸引外国游客数量回升

    欧洲, 2017/07/28 法国外交部长勒德里昂透露,2017年赴法外国游客数量明显回升,估计今年法国接待外国游客数量约8800至8900万人次,涨幅可能达6.5%。 2016年,受恐袭事件影响,法国接待外国游客数量同比降低2.3%至8300万人次。
  • 2017/2018财年埃及旅游部计划吸引投资133.42亿埃镑

    非洲, 2017/07/28 埃及旅游部计划在2017/2018财年吸引投资133.42亿埃镑,其中94%为私人部门投资,6%为公共部门投资。埃及旅游局(ETA)官员称,埃旅游局将在红海地区提供1870万平方米土地用于旅游开发,现时埃旅游局正等待埃及《投资法》实施细则出台,以便与投资和自由区管理总局(GAFI)确定这些土地的价格,其中一些条件较好的地块将以美元计价。 2016/2017财年来埃及外国游客人数为650万,创收48亿美元。埃及旅游部估计,2017/2018财年外国游客人数可达1050万人,旅游业收入可达78亿美元,2019/2020财年外国游客人数可达2000万,收入可达284亿美元。
  • Ugandans Urged to Use Lakes and Rivers to Attract Tourists

    UGANDA, 2017/07/28 South African Airways has advised government to copy from prominent world tourism destinations and popularize tourism investments around and on the country's water bodies. Speaking in an interview on Monday, Ms Yogi Biriggwa, the South African Airways country manager Uganda, said prominent destinations such as Mauritius, Rio-de-Jenairo in Brazil, Southern France, Durban in South Africa, and Mombasa in Kenya are popular globally because of their locations and investments on and around the water bodies. She said this makes them attractive and easy to market internationally.
  • 哥斯达黎加成为最吸引欧洲游客的中美洲国家

    哥斯达黎加, 2017/07/27 2016年约有43.4万欧洲游客乘坐飞机来哥旅游,系中美洲吸引欧洲游客最多的国家。2016年赴巴拿马、危地马拉和尼加拉瓜旅游的欧洲游客分别为26.1万、12.5万和3.4万人,萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯分别为6.8万人(2015年)和1.5万人(2014年)。
  • Chinese tourists in Cambodia surge 35.6 pct in 1st 5 months

    CAMBODIA, 2017/07/11 Cambodia attracted 441,070 Chinese holidaymakers in the first five months of 2017, up 35.6 percent over the same period last year, according to a Tourism Ministry report on Monday.
  • Painted huts offer Congo Kinshasa village a tourism lifeline

    CONGO KINSHASA, 2017/07/01 There’s no electricity and only 500 residents in the Congolese village of Makwatsha, but a longstanding tradition by its womenfolk has turned it almost by accident into a star attraction for Chinese tourists. The outside walls of the huts are decorated with paintings of local life, flowers and butterflies, making “the village of the women painters” a draw as well for tourists from France and Belgium. “For the colour, we use only the earth,” says Prosperine Mwelma, 60, dressed in a bright blue and yellow wrap and holding a paint brush.
  • Peru pursues tourism revenue growth both at home and abroad

    PERU, 2017/07/01 An effort to fasten new aviation deals and invest in marketing campaigns seems to be paying off for Peru’s tourism sector, with sizeable increase in gain and foreign arrivals recorded. In mid-May the Lima Chamber of Commerce (Cámara de Comercio de Lima, CCL) reported that revenues from tourism in Peru rose by 3.9% to $4.3bn last time– of which $3.5bn was from goods and services, and $802m was from transport services. The rising revenue stream, marking a fourth consecutive year of increase, was driven by a higher volume of foreign tourists, which climbed 8.4% in 2016 to reach 4.6m, a trend that looks set to continue.
  • Djibouti’s tourism ambitions garner overseas support

    DJIBOUTI CITY, 2017/06/24 A spate of new capital projects should help Djibouti increase overseas visits in the coming years, as the government continues to prioritise spending on tourism development. Among the biggest developments under way is a new $200m airport, which is currently under construction at Ras Siyyan in the Obock region of north Djibouti. The Ahmed Dini Ahmed International Airport is being financed via a Chinese development loan agreement and built by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation. Construction started in January 2015, and the facility is expected to accommodate 350,000 passengers at the same time as it opens by the end of this year, with that number rising to 767,000 by 2021.
  • 驻宋卡总领馆提醒暑期赴泰南普吉等地中国游客注意安全

    泰国, 2017/06/16 鉴于今年以来赴泰国南部游客频频发生溺水事故,且现时泰南已进入雨季,中国驻宋卡总领馆14日发布公告,提醒暑期赴泰南中国游客注意涉水安全。  公告说,2017年初以来,赴泰南普吉、甲米、苏梅的中国游客迅速增加,游客意外受伤、溺亡事故频发,1至5月已有30名中国游客不幸死亡。本月12日至13日,有9名中国游客不听劝阻,无视红旗警示和安全提醒,强行下海游泳,被大浪卷入深海,导致1名18岁游客溺亡,4名游客被送入医院抢救。如遇意外紧急情况,可及时电话报警、联系当地游客协助中心,也可拨打领保电话寻求帮助。 为此,驻宋卡总领馆发出提醒:     一、非经系统性专业培训切勿参加浮潜。浮潜项意图死亡率是游泳项目死亡率的几十倍。年初以来,每个月都有中国游客在普吉、甲米等地浮潜溺亡。近年来,每年夏季均有考上名校的学生涉水溺亡,乐极生悲,教训极其深刻。     二、普吉、甲米、苏梅等地海况复杂多变,在这些还将游泳是一项危险运动,所有涉水项目须全程穿戴救生衣。当海滩插有红色警示旗帜时,严禁下海游泳。     三、异国他乡游,安全最重要。据泰国气象部门公告公布,普吉、攀牙、甲米、丽贝岛等安达曼还将自5月16日正式进入雨季,天气多变,海风强盛,海浪汹涌,整个雨季都不适合下海游泳。     四、遵守当地法律法规。泰国当地法律严禁游客在海边乱扔垃圾,抓捕、喂食海洋生物,捡拾或踩踏珊瑚;参加深潜、浮潜等水上项目时,不得破坏海洋生态环境。     五、注意防范毒水母。普吉、苏梅等地海滩时有毒性很强的僧帽水母、箱型水母,不慎触碰可能危险生命。请留意海岸边的指示牌并仔细观察是否有水母出现,一旦被毒水母蛰伤,需立刻用海水冲洗并尽快前往就近医院治疗。     六、增强交通安全意识。泰南多山,路窄且弯道多,路况复杂,交通事故多发。行车时,要注意安全,勿酒驾、醉驾或超速行驶,尽量防止夜间或恶劣天气下行车。无泰国驾照或国际驾照者,请勿租驾。 如遇意外紧急情况,可联系以下电话寻求帮助:   泰国报警电话:191   旅游警察热线:1155   急救电话:1669   普吉游客协助中心:0066-76-327-100   攀牙游客协助中心:0066-62-341-9699   甲米游客协助中心:0066-75-701-493   苏梅岛游客协助中心:0066-77-953105 0066-87-8889068   丽贝岛旅游局志愿者中心:0066-87-9043556   领保电话:0066-81-766-5560(驻宋卡总领馆);0066-94-5956158(驻普吉领事办公室)   外交部全球领保服务应急呼叫中心24小时热线0086-10-12308、0086-10-59913991