> 农业


  • 6月泰国农民收入指数年增6.21%

    亚洲, 2017/07/27 泰国农业经济办事处24日透露,2017年6月农民收入指数攀升6.21%,下半年仍需紧密重视贸易竞争对手国的产量、贸易伙伴国经济趋势还有原油价格走势等影响因素。 农业经济办事处秘书长吉拉雅表示,6月农产品价格指数同比降低5.55%,价格滑落的农产品有湿度15%的粳米稻谷,因由是产量及上市量攀升;木薯,因为薯条及木薯粉出口偏低,加上持续降雨导致木薯粉质比例较低;工业用凤梨,主因是产季来临使上市量改良;棕榈果,因由是产量增加;猪,产季来临,气侯转凉加快猪生长速度,使猪肉产量提升。
  • 尼日利亚农业部长强调农产品生产应遵循国际化标准

    尼日利亚, 2017/07/26 尼农业部长日前表示,尼政府再次重申农产品生产应遵循国际标准,尼将加强管理,严格遵守标准执行。这一方面是为了保障广大居民的食品安全,另一方面只有习惯国际标准的要求,才可进一步拓展农产品国际贸易。
  • 加纳农业获巴西3300万美元支持

    加纳, 2017/07/26 巴西将为加纳提供价值约3300万美元的农业机械,以支持加纳“为食物和就业而种植”倡议的实施。该项目由加纳农业部长奥乌苏·阿弗利耶·阿克托在访问巴西期间与巴西农业部长达成,
  • 菲二季度粮食产量提高

    菲律宾, 2017/07/25 菲律宾统计署发布的最新数据指出,受降水充沛、选用高产品种还有政府改良种子和化肥等农用物资的资助力度等因素影响,菲二季度稻米产量410万吨,同比增长了11%,玉米128.8万吨,同比增长42.7%。两种粮食作物每公顷的产量分别是4.39吨和3.26吨,较去年同期均有所改良。
  • 印度本财年小麦进口量预计将达到400万吨

    印度, 2017/07/25 印度本财年小麦进口量估计将达到400万吨,首要因由是国际市场小麦价格较低。 根据季风降水情况,到明年4月前,印度可能进口约300- 400万吨小麦。现时印已与乌克兰出口商签订了约300万吨小麦进口合同,小麦到岸价约为18卢比(1.8元人民币)/公斤,而国内小麦价格为20卢比(2元人民币)/公斤。     印度南部加工厂的进口小麦价格比从印北的旁遮普邦、哈里亚纳邦和中央邦采购的还便宜。     印今年的小麦进口量将略少于去年。虽然印2016-17农事年的小麦产量达到了9,660万吨,超过上年的9,230万吨。但因政府扩大小麦的采购量以补充枯竭的小麦储备库存,印国内小麦公开市场的供应量没有得到清楚改良。中央小麦储备量已从2015-16财年的155万吨减至2016-17财年的130万吨。 
  • Zimbabwe's evicted white farmers dispute government compensation claims

    ZIMBABWE, 2017/07/22 White Zimbabwean commercial farmers who were driven off their land during President Robert Mugabe's controversial land seizures are disputing claims by the finance minister that they got $134 million in compensation last year. Zimbabwe grabbed world headlines in 2000 at the same time as supporters of 93-year-old Mugabe invaded white-owned farms and evicted their owners, often violently. Mugabe defended the seizures as necessary to redress colonial exploitation.
  • Burundi: 'Decreased Agricultural Productivity Causes Low Growth in Burundi'

    BURUNDI, 2017/07/16 Increase in Burundi is low, due to the low productivity of the subsistence agriculture on which the majority of the people depends, reveals the analysis presented on 13 July in Bujumbura by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). On the occasion of the publication of the Burundi profile, the UNECA, which conducted an analysis on economic and social performance in Burundi with a focus on recent developments next the socio-economic crisis of 2015, reported that the country's increase rate was -3.9% in 2015, but is expected to reach 2% by 2017.
  • Kenya moves to expand its livestock sector

    KENYA, 2017/07/15 Rising domestic request for meat and dairy products is driving expansion in Kenya’s livestock industry, prompting the government to commission a new sector policy. Drafting new policy On June 6 the Kenyan government announced a new two-year project with the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) to draft a sustainable livestock policy that can help the country meet growing request and strengthen its food security. The aim is to craft livestock policies through to 2050, accounting for factors such as climate change, frequent droughts and floods, epidemics and epizootics, and conflicts over land and water use.
  • Kenya: Smallholder Farmers in Kenya in the Race Against Climate Change

    KENYA, 2017/07/12 By adopting agroforestry and improved agricultural practices, a community in western Kenya has increased their gain and improved their living standards. They are instantly training other farmers to do the same. Smallholder farms make up most of the remote village of Siwot in Kericho County. Part of the wider western Kenyan region, most farmers grow maize, beans and vegetables for subsistence, and coffee and sugarcane as cash crops. And like a lot of communities in western Kenya, and in the Nyando river basin in particular, they are aware of the potential that impact climate change will have on their lives and those of their children.
  • Australia's agricultural sector hits new record for production value

    AUSTRALIA, 2017/07/11