Americas > South America > Uruguay > Uruguay People Profile 2012

Uruguay: Uruguay People Profile 2012






Uruguay People Profile 2012

90 % of the Uruguayan  are from European descent and   principally from Spanish and Italian. Most of the rest are mestizos (of mixed Indian and Caucasian ancestry). Blacks and mulattoes form small minorities. Approximately half of the people live in and around Montevideo, the capital. The next largest cities are Salto, Paysandú, Las Piedras, and Rivera.
Language and Religion
Uruguay's primary language is Spanish Portunol and Brazilero are also spoken. 65% of the people are Roman Catholic. There are also numerous small Protestant groups, most of which are evangelistic. Since the adoption of the country's first constitution in 1830, there has been freedom of religion. Roman Catholicism was the official religion until 1919, when church and state were separated.