Oceania > Oceania Environment Profile

Oceania: Oceania Environment Profile





Oceania Environment Profile

The Pacific islands region is unique, not because its geographical, biological, sociological and economic characteristics are found exclusively here, but because of the combination of these characteristics within the region.

This region is characterized by: a high degree of ecosystem and species diversity; an extraordinary level of endemicity; a high degree of economic and cultural dependence on the natural environment; vulnerability to a wide range of natural and environmental disasters, and a diversity of cultures and languages, traditional practices and customs focused on the marine and coastal environment.

The large volumes of waterand small areas of land create an environment that is relatively isolated on a global scale.

Geographical and ecological isolation has led to the evolution of unique species and communities of plants and animals, many of which are indigenous to only one island or island group within the region. Changes to land use, population, consumption and other determinants of environmental well-being make the Pacific island habitats particularly vulnerable to destruction or damage.