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Northern America: North America Art / Culture Profile





North America Art / Culture Profile

In the early days of European settlement in North America the culture of the home country was transported to each of its colonies. After independence had been gained in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, North American nations slowly developed literatures, music, and art of their own. In Mexico and Central America the native culture is a blend of European (either Spanish or French) and Indian. In the West Indies, art and music developed from African patterns.

In the United States, diversity of background and the common pioneer experience produced a literature with a unique flavor, and an equally distinctive folk art. Later the flood of immigration from Europe enriched the literature and drama with elements of many cultures and the experience of becoming Americanized. In the 19th and 20th centuries, an African influence introduced by black musicians created new musical forms—ragtime, jazz, and blues.

Canadian culture, although influenced by American and European traditions, began to develop its own distinctive style after World War II. An appreciation of primitive cultures brought a revival of Indian and Inuit arts and crafts. The federal government encourages and helps support the arts through such organizations as the Canada Council. Support also comes from provincial and municipal governments.

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