Europe > Northern Europe > Denmark > Denmark People Profile 2012

Denmark: Denmark People Profile 2012






Denmark People Profile 2012

Most  population origin is Scandinavian and Danish is spoken throughout Denmark.

There are groups of Inuit and Féroëns from the autonomous territories of Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Near the German border, in the old amt of Jutland South - a Danish former departments of meaning for the Germans in Schleswig Septentrional and now integrated into the region of the Denmark-South (Syddanmark) - is is the only official minority of Denmark: The German minority ethnic group called the German, comprising 25 000 people, nearly 10% of the population of former amt.

In addition, foreign immigrants are 8.9% of the population

  • Population: 5.564.219 (2011)
  • Area: 43.098 square kilometres
  • Population density: 126,4 pr. square kilometre
  • Geographic region: Scandinavia
  • Gross domestic product: DKK 1.658 billion (2009)
  • GDP pr. inhabitant: 300.241 DKK (2009)
  • Capital: Copenhagen 1.702.388 (2011)
  • Other major cities: Århus 311.235, Odense 190.448, Aalborg 199.437 (2011)