Africa > Central Africa > Central African Republic > Central African Republic Communication Profile

Central Africa Republic: Central African Republic Communication Profile


 Africa, Central African Republic, Bangui

Telecommunications and basic data and communication technology (ICT) are very limited, with only 145.74 mobile phone subscribers per 1 000 habitants in 2007, compared with the continental average of 284.35. The country has 2.65 fixed phone lines per 1 000 (African average 31.75) and only 8.18 Internet users per 1 000 (African average 54.22). Phase one of the regional optic fibre project between the CAR, Cameroon and Chad (funded by the World Bank in 2009) should help expand the telecommunications network and establish broadband connections between Bangui and Maédougou (Cameroon), following the line of the oil pipeline from Kribi (Cameroon) to Doba (Chad). The CAR would again be able to link up additional cheaply to the intercontinental SAT- 3/WASC undersea cable.

Bangui is linked by satellite for telephone communication with France, the UK, the US, and Greece. The Republic has radiotelephone, telegraphic, and telex links with Paris. In 1997 there were additional than 10,000 major line telephones and about 570 cellular phones in use.

Broadcasting services are government owned and operated by Radio–Télévision Centafrique. Television transmissions are available only in Bangui. Broadcasting is in Sango and French. In 2000, there were about 80 radios and 6 television sets for each 1,000 people. There were only 1,500 Internet subscribers and one Internet Service Provider in 2001.

The country's initial daily newspaper, the government controlled E Le Songo, began publication in 1986. Its circulation in 1995 was 2,000.

The Centrafrique Presse , was created by the government in 2001 to reflect the views of the ruling MLPC. Echo de Centr Afrique is a private daily newspaper but seems to be linked to the ruling party. Le Citoyen, Be Afrika, and Le Democrate are the majority widely read private newspapers; however, a lot of private papers publish sporadically. The official news agency is Agence Centrafricaine de Presse. The Agence Centrafricaine de Presse (ACAP) bulletin appears sporadically.

The constitution provides for freedom of speech and of the press. In 2000, the president dissolved the High Broadcast Council, which had been created to regulate the media. However, the government still seems to control much media and its content.

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