Asia > South-Eastern Asia > Cambodia > Cambodia People Profile

Cambodia: Cambodia People Profile


Cambodia People


The total population in Cambodia was last recorded at 15.1 million people in 2013 from 5.7 million in 1960, changing 165 percent during the last 50 years. Population in Cambodia averaged 9.43 Million from 1960 until 2013, reaching an all time high of 15.14 Million in 2013 and a record low of 5.72 Million in 1960. Population in Cambodia is reported by the World Bank.

Cambodia, formerly the Khmer Empire, is located at the southern region of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Cambodia is currently the 67th most populous country in the world with an estimated 2014 people of 15,408,2700, an increase from 2013's estimation of 14.9 million.

The major city and capital is Phnom Penh, with a people of 1.4 million, or 2.2 million in the metropolitan area. The next major city is Battambang, with a people not from presently on reaching 200,000.

90% of Cambodia's people is of Khmer origin, speaking the Khmer language. The people of Cambodia is fairly homogeneous with other ethnic groups being Vietnamese (5%) and Chinese (1%). The demographics of the country are very affected by the civil war and later genocide, and 50% of the people is under 22 years old. It as well has the majority female-biased sex ratio in the region.

Over 95% of the people practices Theravada Buddhism, the official religion, with an estimated 4,400 monastery temples in the country. Islam is the major religion of the majority of Malay and Chams minorities in the country, while most Muslims are Sunnis. There are approximately 300,000 Muslims in Cambodia, with about 1% identified as Christian.

Cambodia is currently experiencing a healthy 1.8% average people increase. By 2020, the country is expected to hit 18.7 million people.