Europe > Western Europe > Belgium > Belgium Environment Profile 2012

Belgium: Belgium Environment Profile 2012






Belgium Environment Profile 2012

In Belgium, because of the complex political and administrative organisation of the country, environmental policy is not only a responsibility of the federal administration but has also been decentralised to the regions (Brussels, Flanders and Wallonia) and even to a certain extent to the communes. However, most responsibility lies at the regional level. The Flemish region has developedan Environmental Policy Plan (2003 – 2007) which states that “The Flemish Environmental Policy bases its priorities on the European Action Plan, 6th EAP”.2 Similarly, the Walloon region has an “Environmental planning process” and publishes a state of the environment score card (Tableau de Bord de l’Environnement, latest version 20083) and an analytical report of the state of the environment (2006- 2007). Both regions also carry out a follow up on the extent to which European Legislation has been transposed into their respective legislation. Overall, regional environment policies are well in line with the 6th EAP.

Overall, Belgium is not a front runner in terms of environmental performance in the EU. While waste management shows excellent results, the country still faces difficulties in biodiversity (fragmentation), water quality, energy, air pollution and climate change.4 Decoupling economic growth from environmental pressure also remains an area of concern for the country.
In Belgium the 234 Special Protection Areas (SPAs) concern 187 bird species and sub-species listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive as well as migratory birds and the 278 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) concern 253 habitat types, 200 animal and 434 plant species listed under the Habitats Directive.5 Natura 2000 networks are managed at regional level (Flanders and Wallonia) and both have developed