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List of North American countries by GDP (nominal)

This is a list of the North American countries (including Central American countries) sorted by their Gross domestic product (GDP) at market or government official exchange rates. The data here is an estimation for the year 2010 produced by the International Monetary Fund in April 2011. North America's share of world GDP was over 35% in 2002, having since decreased sharply from 32.25% in 2006 to 28.14% in 2008 and an estimated 27.82% in 2010.

Rank World
Country 2010 GDP (nominal)
millions of US dollars
World 62,909,274
North America 17,503,611
1 1  美国 14,657,800
2 9  加拿大 1,574,051
3 14  墨西哥 1,039,121
4 72  多米尼克 50,874
5 77  危地马拉 40,773
6 84  哥斯达黎加 35,019
7 88  巴拿马 27,199
8 95  萨尔瓦多 21,796
9 106  洪都拉斯 15,340
10 109  牙买加 13,737
11 131  巴哈马 7,538
12 132  海地 6,495
13 134  尼加拉瓜 6,375
14 146  巴巴多斯 3,963
15 161  伯利兹 1,431
16 164  安提瓜和布巴达 1,099
17 166  圣卢西亚 1,000